2. the bonfire

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"I took my drugs and took my lovin' when I left out the spot"
——- The Color Violet, Tory Lanez

LEFT OUT, but this was just the tip of the iceberg. Madison was stuck in between both moms watching a movie they had all watched 5 times before.

The boys made a clear announcement after dinner they were going to a Bonfire. Belly and Madi asked if they could go, but they were met with a stern No, from the boys. So, Madison just rotted away and came to terms that she would be spending her first Friday of the summer In-between her Moms.

Not even an hour into the movie, Madi hears the floor boards behind her creak. Laurel and Susannah didn't seem to notice, they were in to deep to the movie. Madi turned around and to her surprise Belly was standing there in a mini pink dress, signaling Madi to come over.

Madi was so relieved as she excused herself to the bathroom and headed over to Belly. "What the hell are you wearing Bells", she whispered since Susannah and Laurel were just inches away.

"We are going to that party.", Belly said sternly, "Now go upstairs, put something cute on, and do something with your hair", she motioned Madi
to go upstairs.

Madi had never loved Belly more, she blew her air kisses and quickly, but quietly made her way up the stairs and to her room as Belly waited downstairs.

Cute? What would someone even consider cute?, she thought to herself. I mean seriously, who would she be impressing?

She decided to put on a basic pair of Jean shorts and a t-shirt she had gotten when she was younger from a Taylor Swift concert. She was shocked when it actually fit her. She quickly put her hair in a messy braid and headed down the stairs quickly, but again quietly.

She would later kick herself for not dressing to impress.

Madi didn't know what she was expecting when walking onto that beach, she had never been to a party before.

Would this even be considered a party?

She had only ever seen such parties in movies and to her surprise it was basically the same.

Drunk teenagers who had too much to drink, boys and girls scattered around making out. And music, very loud music. But, she actually enjoyed the song that was playing at the moment.

Nobody here was wearing a dress so Belly stuck out, like usual. Not in a bad way though, she was just always the one who grabbed everyone's attention.

However, Belly was approached by someone who looked much older then they were.

Probably early twenties or what-not.

Madi didn't feel comfortable being around someone much older, especially a boy.

So she walked away, leaving Belly by herself. Which she shouldn't have.

Madi walked over to the cooler, grabbed a water and what looked like a beer and headed to the shoreline

It wasn't like she hated parties, this just wasn't her forte. But she was focused on the waves crashing and the breeze on her face.

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