10- fireworks

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THE FOURTH OF JULY in Cousins is all about traditions. Susannah decks out the whole house, the dads come up for the weekend, the boys steams clams and shoot off fireworks.

All the other fourth of Julys, Madi was just tagging along. But not this year, she had plans and friends.

Madi, Jere and Belly all sat in the kitchen. Eating their cereal, which was always Lucky Charms. The majority of the house favored Lucky charms over everything, but Conrad and Laurel unfortunately are the only ones who liked Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Can I finish your guys milk?" Jere asked both Madi and Belly—he was a little fiend for both milk and cereal. Belly handed her bowl over to him and he quickly slurped it up. He finished Belly's, and had a little milk mustache over his lip—poor Madi was being stared at by Jere as she was peacefully trying to finish her Cereal.

She glanced over at him and caught him staring, "Jeez Jeremiah, can a girl eat her cereal in peace?", she laughed, "but here, just for you" she handing over her bowl of milk and he again slurped it up quickly.

He flexed his arm out to Belly and Madi, "It builds Muscle, you know," he said—Belly and Madi both started laughing hysterically, "Something you two don't have, maybe start finishing your milk!" he said sarcastically as he started cleaning up the dishes and cereal.

Conrad came into the kitchen, "Yo, I'm gonna wash the clams, did you get the lighter fluid?" he asked Jeremiah specifically.

"Mhm, yea it's already on the beach," Jere replied—leaving the dirty dishes in the sink for someone else to clean up and Conrad walked out just as Steven and Susannah walked in.

Madi rolled her eyes at Jere being a completely lazy idiot—so she quickly sprung up and cleaned them herself.

"Are we done with the portrait yet?" Steven asked Susannah, "Yea, for today." she smiled and looked at Madi, "Your next sweetheart." madi smiled—her mom was extremely talented, and she was so excited for her mom to paint her. She had already painted Conrad and was just starting Steven, meaning she was next.

"But Steven, you do look good in a dress shirt", she went over to the sink to wash her hands and brushes—as Belly and Jere started play fighting, "Which reminds me, if Belly doesn't hurry up and ask Cam to that ball, you should take her," Susannah suggested.

"Ew, no way" belly said, making a face at the fact that she would be taking her Brother as a, "date".

Steven closed the fridge, "Yea, no, no,no I'm already going with Shayla," he said—Laurel walked in, "To the debutante ball?" she questioned—Steven nodded. "As an escort...?" she questioned again, "Wrap your head around it mom, alright," he laughed, "Shaylas coming today, with Nicole and Gigi", he poured orange juice into a glass, "So you'll meet her today."

"That's wonderful," Susannah said—she was now focusing her attention towards Madi, who was playing on her phone, "So... who are you asking sweetheart?" everyone looked over to Madi—she glanced up to see all eyes on her, "Oh, your asking me?" Susannah nodded. "Oh..uhm well," she stuttered, "I am not going with her, just saying!" Jeremiah interrupted—Madi made a face at him, "Actually, there is this guy," she paused, "his names Noah. He's coming today too!" she smiled.

"Perfect," Susannah said. "Oh, also Ms.Convintons first dance rehearsal is Friday." she paused, "So, tick tock." belly nodded, "I'm asking Cam today," Madi's heart dropped—this was real life, Cam and Belly were really a thing and she couldn't do a thing about it now.

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