Chapter 1

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This is chapter 1 of Pinky Promise!




 -- Avery


Chapter 1:

*After the Hospital and back at Parker's House*

Parker's POV

"It really isn't that bad, Parker. I mean of course it's a little worse than normal and I'll have to rest for a while. But he is my dad, I can't turn him in. He's all I've got." Luke whispered the last part.

His dad really is the only family he has left. No relatives or anything. I've tried to find someone that he is related to, a distant cousin possibly but it was no use.

But I don't understand why every time we have this conversation he always seems to forget that he has me and my family.

"Luke you can't not press charges! He broke three of your ribs and bruised the rest. You have a gash on your forehead that needed stitches. Plus there are burn marks all over your legs. You have to tell someone!" I pleaded.

He smiled sadly at me from where he sat next to me on the couch in my living room. "I can't. I would have no where to go. I would probably get put in foster care! I'm only sixteen!"

I sighed. He gave me a confused look, "What?" I shook my head a bit and then stared at him.

"Dude! Your so stupid! You would move in with us! I've already talked to my mom about it. She said she would do anything for you.You're family, Luke." I said softly.

He blinked a couple times and stared at me in shock. " would do that?" He said finally. I nodded. "Of course. I mean your basically like my brother, how could I not?"

He smiled and then launched himself at me in, what I thought was, the biggest hug he has ever given me. I felt him nod against my neck.

I smiled. I couldn't wait to tell my mom.




"And, and, and we can paint the spare room your favorite color and-" My excitement was cut of by my annoyed mother.

"Yeah well we can't paint anything if you don't get your ass over here and help him with all his stuff." She sounded angry but when I got over to her and Luke she had the biggest smile on her face.

I smiled sheepishly and grabbed three of his suitcases and brought them upstairs to the spare room. I finally convinced him to press charges two days ago and the legal papers were finshed this morning.

I was so happy that he wouldn't be beaten anymore. He could be protected and safe while living with us. I went back downstairs and grabbed more of Luke's things, repeating this until we were done.

I smiled at Luke and he smiled back. I grabbed him by the elbow, being careful of his injuries, and dragged him to the front door, grabbing my keys in the proccess.

"We'll be back! Going to get things for his room! Love you, bye!" I shouted over my shoulder. I shut the front door behind us after letting go of Luke's arm.

I unlocked the doors to my beautiful blue jeep and hopped in, along with Luke on the other side. "Where are we going exactly?" I looked over at Luke and smiled.

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