Chapter 7

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Parker's POV

"I'm freaking out! I-I can't do this." I had my hands gripping my hair, almost pulling every strand out, while I was pacing in front of the tv in the living room.

Tonight is the full moon and I didn't sleep at all last night, especially when I had sent Luke to stay with Nick until it was over. I locked myself in my room until he was gone to prevent myself from keeping here.

When he asked why I told him to stay with Nick, I said that my family had to go away on pack business. He, of course, believed me and packed a bag then left.

"You're going to be fine. We'll just tie you up or something and that way nothing will happen." My dad stated calmly. I stared at him and threw my hands up in the air.

"What the hell do you mean tie me up?! I'm not some freaking house pet you can just chain to a tree!" I sat down on the couch, rather roughly, and took a deep breath. I'm only this aggravated because of the full moon.

"Well do you know where Nick lives?"

I nodded, "Yeah I dropped him off at his house before I knew they were dating and I thought they were just friends!" I was yelling now and I could feel my nails growing and tearing into the couch. 

My dad clapped his hands together once and stood up. "And that is why we need to tie you up. If you know where he lives, your wolf knows where he lives. And if he knows then when the moon is at it's highest he will take control and go to try and kill Nick for stealing your mate."

My body grew tense and I felt my canines extending. "Okay, okay. Just hurry up. I don't have that much more time."

My mom sighed. "Oh sweetie, you would have as much time as you wanted and you would be in total control if you had just told him the truth and mated with him." 

I rolled my eyes. "I can't do that to him. So I'll just have to live like this. Having you guys tie me up on every full moon."

I stood up and went to walk into my room only turning around to make sure my parents were following me. 




 Luke's POV

"Hey, Luke?" I was about to fall asleep in Nick's bed, with his arms around me, when he mumbled my name. I opened my eyes just enough to see the time on the clock beside the bed.

11:43 p.m.

 "Huh?" I turned over so that I was facing him but his arm was still around me. 

"Uh, this might not be the best time but I wanted to talk to you about Parker. I would have said something earlier but, ya know, we were kind of busy." He whispered into the darkness.

 "Can't it wait til tomorrow? I'm...tired." I turned my bad to him and, again, I prepared for sleep. He twisted me back over and propped himself up on his right elbow, the blanket falling down towards his bare waist.

 "No not really, I'll be quick. Um, haven't you noticed him acting strange? Parker, I mean." My eyes opened all the way at the topic of Parker.

I was wide awake now. I shook my head, paused, and then shrugged, because in truth he was but I knew the reason now so it had kind of become a normality.

 "Well, I certainly have. And your probably not going to like this but..." He paused, biting his lip and looking away, causing me to sit up completely.

"What? What is it?"

He sigh, "I know I said that I was okay with you living with him and his family but I don't want you to see him anymore. I want you to come live with me so that I know nothing is going on- I mean it's not that I don't trust you, it's just-"

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