Chapter 12

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Sorry it's been so long!!

I just haven't had the time to update lately but its not like many people minded so...

I will update whenever possible which will be soon because my laptop is 100% fixed!

Probably only like one more chapter after this because this is like a short ish type story.


Luke's POV

When I woke up the next morning, I felt someone poking me. Twisting my head, I saw Parker's sleeping face, his eyes moving around under his eyelids as he dreamed.

And once I realized what was poking me I blushed and turned around fully to shake him awake. "Parker, wake up."  He groaned and flung his arm over my waist and stuck his face into my neck, breathing in deeply.

"What do you want I was having a good dream."

I laughed slightly, "And I bet I could tell you what it was about. Now wake up, I don't need that poking me at eight o'clock in the morning."

He rolled over so he was on his back and I was on top of him, his little friend now jabbing me in my thigh. 

Parker smiled lazily, with his eyes still closed. "Well if you want me to apologize, I'm not going to. Your gonna see it soon enough." I could feel the burning in my face as I blushed. I can't believe he said those kinds of things so easily.

Finally, his eyes opened. But as soon as they did I gasped, "Parker your eyes are bright yellow, is it because we haven't mated? Should I be worried?"

He gained a thoughtful expression, "Yes, I think it's because we haven't mated yet. But no, you shouldn't be worried because you're gonna love it when we finally do."

He rolled us over again so that he had to support himself above me with his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist while my arms wound themselves around his neck.

"Is that so?"

I pulled him down so he was now on his elbows on top of me. My smile grew wider as I brought my lips to his and pushed my way past his lips with my tongue. 

Our heads were leaning towards the right as he began to grind on me. I was growing hard, and fast, so I took that as my cue to stop this. Breaking the kiss, I was panting and it didn't help when his mouth immediately latched itself onto my neck where he knew he could make me weak.

"Parker I need to go take a shower."

"Let me join you."

I laughed, "Not even in your dreams will that happen...yet. Besides, I want to go get a new phone today- and no you can't come with me." I stopped the him before the question even left his mouth.

He sighed, "Fine but I get to shower first, and we're not done here." He gave me a hard kiss and then, much to my surprise, he cupped me and gave my member one hard squeeze before he hopped out of bed and ran into that bathroom down the hall.

"Seriously?!" I half laughed half yelled after him.


I walked up the drive way and strode into the house that I had been living in for the past few months. Someone was obviously home as the door was unlocked and a set of keys were laying on the counter.

I set down the new iPhone that I had gotten next to the keys on the counter.

From the way there was a small whistle on the key chain, I knew they were Parker's. However, I couldn’t hear anyone, so I just decided to  go up to my room and wait because it was highly possible that Parker had gone for a run, He does that a lot, although I don't really know why because I hate running.  

Pinky Promise. (BoyxBoy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora