30: Bruised

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(02nd of December) It's Saturday, the end of another long week. I've recently realised that Dumbledore never set me those detentions for punching Cedric. I'm not complaining, but I don't want him to start getting on my good side because I know he will disappoint me in the future. Slughorn leaves me alone now. I've been trying harder, however probably not as hard as he would like. He keeps conversations to a minimum and talks to Enzo instead of me.

I'm in the bathroom of my dorm, looking in the mirror. My shoulder is bruised from Alicia's quidditch attack. It's sore and hurts to move it but I've been through worse so I don't want to complain that it actually hurts. She must have hit me fucking hard.

"Evelyn what the fuck?" Someone says from the doorway.

I need to learn to shut the fucking door. I pull my jumper, hiding the bruise on my shoulder.

"Is that from Spi-"

"Yes, but I'm fine it doesn't even hurt."

Mattheo glares at me. "Doesn't hurt? Really?"

"Really." I reply.

"Its purple Evelyn."

"I know, I'm not colorblind." I'm quite defensive which probably doesn't make me seem fine.

He comes closer and grabs my hand. "We are going to Pomfrey."


"Don't argue with me, we are going." He replies.

He walks me the entire way to the infirmary, not letting go of my hand. We get a few stares from people, especially the Gryffindors. He blows a kiss at Potter as we walk past. He doesn't look at me, or talk to me the whole way there. I can sense he is angry, which just makes me annoyed because he doesn't really have a reason to be. We get to the hospital wing and he takes me to a bed.

"Sit there." He instructs, pointing at one of the hospital beds. HE walks around the corner to fins Madame Pomfrey.

I don't sit down. I just stand there and wait for something interesting to happen. I play with the idea of leaving but I know that would just cause an argument or something.

"Miss Diggory." Pomfrey sings as she turns the corner, Mattheo following close behind her. "How is Lorenzo?" She asks.

"He is fine, his arm is almost healed I think." I reply.

"Wonderful, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"No she isn't." Mattheo says back, even though I wasn't talking to him. "Look at her shoulder."

She look at me, waiting for me to move. I roll my eyes and pull the neck of my jumper down so she can see the bruise.

"Heavens." She bursts out. "I'll need to check you haven't fractured or dislocated anything, that's a nasty bruise. How long have you had that."

"Wednesday." Mattheo says for me.

"If you wouldn't mind, taking off your shirt so I can get a better look, let me grab my notebook." She turns and walks away to her office.

I hesitantly pull off my jumper while Mattheo sits beside me. "I'm sorry" he says. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I am okay." I say back. "Now why don't you go, let her do her job in peace."

He smiles at me and stands up. "Why, you don't want me to see you with your top off?"

"This would a weird place for the first time you see that." I pause. "However I'm sure you'll see that at some point." I begin to smile and he begins to laugh. He leans down and kisses me, then turns to walk out of the infirmary.

He wasn't wrong. If he saw me without my top, then he would see what I didn't want him too. He's already seen the one mark on my neck. If he stayed, he would have seen the four others scattered across my back.

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