chapter one

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Josh was walking through the streets of kyoto on one of his days off. A light breeze touched his face as he carried on past the river and all the happy faces that littered the pathways and greenery alongside it.

He took the camera that hung from his neck and brought it up to his eyes to capture the scenery in front of him. As he was taking a picture, a blur of brunette hair covered the lens momentarily. Removing the camera from his eyesight, Josh found himself gazing at the back of a head, fluffy curls and a black headband become the centre of his attention. Curls soon changed direction and suddenly the two individuals were face to face.

"oh sorry! did i cover the shot?", she said.

"nah nah it's alright don't worry, it was a tester shot anyway it was blurry aha", replied josh.

The pair laughed off the interaction and looked around in search for a conversation topic, eagerly wanting to engage in a longer chat.

"so how long have you been in Kyoto?", she asked.

"just about a week now! i'm going home in a couple days so i'm trying to make sure i get some good photos before i leave. how about you?", he replied.

"i've been here just under a month now. my family live out here so i come over to visit them from time to time. the language is starting to get easier after the last 8 years", the girl laughed along with her words.

"oh i didn't ask you what's your name?", he enquired.

"i'm scout! and you?", she answered

"my names josh!", he smiled back at her.

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