chapter eighteen

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The group of girls gathered at a wooden table outside the cafe, enjoying the sunlight from the unusually nice end of summer weather. Smiles could be seen on all faces that surrounded the table, the girls were happy to be seeing each other after a long period of busy schedules and lack of free time.

"so girls, how's life been following the boys on their support gigs?" scout asked, "they looked sick from all the posts i've seen on the update accounts!"

"oh they were brilliant, we even got to meet pearl jam backstage, and when they support arctic monkeys we got to meet them too!" heather exclaimed

"i love nepo babies" tate joined in

"maeve is in love with a nepo baby so she can join you there" julie joked

"girl give me a break we only just said it back to each other like last month" maeve defended

"wait what?!" the girls around the table chorused

"why did we not know about this? the groupchat was made for very clear reasons and that would be one of them" heather said

"sorry sorry! i don't even think any of the lads know" maeve replied

"yeah except ryan because he was the one with me when yous said it out loud backstage" julie revealed

"speaking of the lads, i swear they said they were having a little party at eli's house later as their little breather before reading and leeds because they won't have any breaks afterwards" tate explained

"oh get me there i need to know how they party and who has awful tolerances" scout laughed

"robert keating is the biggest lightweight i've ever met in my life, takes it too far every single time without fail" heather bantered

"you've got that right! one time he threw up in my shoes" tate replied

"well if we are going to it then we need to change our outfits we are all too casual for a party" maeve laughed, encouraging everyone to collect their things and leave the cafe.

"okay so we should all meet at scout's house in an hour and start getting ready?" julie questioned

"yes just text me when you're all at the door and i'll let you in! don't forget to bring your predrinks!" scout shouted gleefully

a chorus of "see you soon" and "goodbye" rang out onto the streets of dublin, the girls growing excited of their evening plans as they raced home to collect their things and return to each others company, eager to celebrate the last few months of busy schedules and accomplished plans.

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