chapter five

128 5 2

instagram messages
scout - right
josh - left

Hey i saw your comment,
i cant believe it's took us this long to
figure out each others instagrams😂😅

yeah ahaha life works in mysterious ways
honestly! how are you btw?

i'm great actually yeah! my bands starting to do performances again so i'm excited to see
the fans that come out to see us again😇

awh that's good, what's your bands name
again? i recognise your lead singer lol

inhaler! that's eli you recognise!
he's dating maeve, she's the one that tagged
you on my account i'm pretty sure.

omg yeah i knew i knew him from somewhere lol
i'll have to check yous out then,
and maybe you'll see me at a show soon!!

that'd be class, you'll have to tell me your
favourite song once you figure it out,
i can try and convince eli
to play it at a show for you.

awh grand pls, i defo will tell u as
soon as i know!!
delivered 2mins ago


scout - right
maeve - left

now why the fuck are so many
people following me

also just was dming josh that felt so weird lol

the inhaler fans have found u bae

also why was it weird
he was showing me the texts and
it looked pretty average

bcos i'm not used to talking to
boys who i don't know well,
most of the men i get in my
dms are over the age of 50 lol

inhaler fans scare me i've been added into a gc
called inhaler girlies, babe why would i
be in here pls let me leave xxxx

hahahahahaa you'll get used to it

and josh is so sweet pls you're both so
similar too like you'll be peas in a pod

hmmm we'll see

also what are u doing today bae
beth's gone to the gym so i'm bored ☹️

i'm actually doing nothing today

our cafe in 5?

ofc x

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