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C. Sainz Jr.

"I'm glad you chose me," I said as I stroked Artemis' hair, her beautiful body wrapped around me as we lay in my bed. "You always get such a lavish hotel room, that's why I chose you," she teased.

Even when she was with me and I get to kiss her and hold her to no abandon, I had a gnawing thought in my head about what went on between her and Charles. I saw the way he looked at her. It wasn't the same way he looked at Giada, Charlotte, or Alexandra. He looked at her differently.

He usually had a soft and loving look for his girls but with Artemis, he felt challenged and all consuming. We may not talk anymore but it was so obvious with his body language around her. What surprised me is how her body language towards him matched.

I traced slow tantalising circles around her back and she hummed. The soft sighs she gave were enough to last me a lifetime but I remembered how pissed Christian was with the results in Bahrain.

He reminded how easily I could've gotten that win if I had been more focused. I tried my best to defend myself but he wouldn't listen, he reminded me again that I could be replaced mid-season if I didn't perform the way he wanted me to. I felt that it was a bit harsh since Max wasn't even on a podium for the Bahrain Grand Prix.

"Something's on your mind," Artemis cooed, "You usually ask for another round by now, you always try to wear me out as soon as you have me."

I don't know if I should ask her but I couldn't let myself get distracted thinking about what might be her answer. Artemis will always remain a mystery unless I decide to be brave and allow myself to receive any answer that might leave her mouth for all the pressing questions I have about her.

"Are you gonna tell me or are you going to fuck me again?," she asked, her pleading eyes urging me to do something. I couldn't resist her when she looked this good in my arms. A vision of beauty, and an absolute dream in the sheets.

I kissed her fervently, and she chuckled into the kiss and said, "You chose wisely." I laughed and kissed her even deeper, my hands tracing her body like it had become a map for me to memorise. "If you keep kissing me like that, I may want you in my bed forever," she warned, and I smiled as I became breathless as I inhaled the scent of her perfume. It was a tantalising woody mix of vanilla and spice that only aroused my attraction.

"Then I'll make sure to never disappoint you mi Hermosa," I whispered in her ear, giving it a light kiss and trailing kisses down to her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

Still, the questions burned in my head even if I was the one who had the permission to touch her. I was the one who got to kiss her but it was starting to feel like I only had half of her with me and the rest of her was somewhere else. Even more so, I feared that everything but her heart was here with me.


Christian had called me to his office later that day. I never liked being called to the office. No matter the team principal, being called to the office never meant a really good thing. It was either something neutral or really bad.

When I arrived there, he was just sitting on his office chair with an unsettlingly serious look on his face. He looked up at me and gestured for me to take a seat. "You already know why you're here, I had to hear from Max that something, no actually someone's been distracting you...and I don't normally I don't pry into personal life but during the practice laps today, you were turning wide on all of your turns."

What the fuck did Max say?

"Christian, I know, but I promise you that is not what's going to happen during the race," I tried to defend myself but Christian looked livid. "I don't care, what I see is what I see, I need you to prove to me that you deserve your seat at Red Bull," he said, gesturing for me to stand up this time, "Otherwise, I have Daniel Ricciardo waiting to get your seat. May I remind you Carlos that in this sport, you chase for something sure and a world championship is something that is more than sure to stay. Can you say the same about that girl of yours?"

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