13| Resistance

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A. Devereaux

"Charles, the longer I sit in this car, the more convinced I am that you're going to feed me to the sharks," I complained, eager to know where the hell he was taking me. He just laughed and said, "Stop pretending like you're not excited and not getting impatient. I'm starting to understand your patterns."

"What patterns?"

"I'm not telling you anything you gremlin. Now sit there patiently and be reassured I'm not trying to kill you."

"Finally you call me something normal. I think I like how gremlin sounds."

He rolled his eyes, "You don't like me calling you princess?"

"Stop flirting with me Leclerc," I warned but not because I was ready to hit him but because he was starting to get to me.

I never knew a man could be so pretty.

"Alright princess, we're here," he said with a wide smile as he got out of the car. I hadn't realised I was staring at him for so long that I missed the part where he parked the car. Before I could even think about getting out, Charles opened my door and offered his hand.

I took his hand as he helped me out of the car and I said, "This doesn't change anything, got it?"

"Change what, princess?"

"Change the fact that I want the world championship, and if you want it too....I'm going to make you work hard for that world championship Leclerc," I said, setting a boundary between us but it was no use.

He walked closer to me till I was leaning on his car, "Oh yeah, tell me with every detail, how hard?"

I gulped. A shiver ran down my spine as he moved even closer, his hand wrapping around my waist to put my body against his. His breath tickled my neck as he whispered in my ear, "How hard are you going to make me work for it Artemis? Tell me. No...show me."


"Charles, don't do this, please," I begged, my restraint hanging on the balance.

"Why don't you just take what you want?," he asked, his lips brushing against my ear. I can't do it. I can't let him in because I'm just going to lose him in the end.

I shoved him off and said, "Stop it, I mean it."

He looked defeated but I had to. It was always better to keep people at arm's length before I disappoint them with who I am. Charles look hurt but he quickly brushed it off and he offered his hand again and said, "Are you going to join me or not?"

Still, my body spoke for me. I took his hand and felt his thumb brush over it. Fuck me.

"Why did you take me to an aquarium anyways?," I asked, genuinely curious with his choice and he just smiled and said, "Trust me, you'll like it. I have some things planned."

Still, I didn't pull away and instead, I walked with him. As soon as we went in, I was met with a magical place. I had never been in an aquarium that towered over me. It was beautiful. He then stopped abruptly and said, "Here, put these on."

He offered we his AirPods and I deftly put them on. He took out his phone and started playing piano music. I don't normally listen to classical but I could tell it wasn't classical and it was something more modern more original.

I took the AirPods out and asked, "Where's this music from?"

"I composed it," he explained and I pointedly raised my brow, "You? Charles Leclerc, player of women, has done something worthwhile?"

He playfully elbowed me and said, "I do enjoy playing the piano. I often dabble with pieces during the summer break. I post them on my Instagram."

"Eh, I don't follow you on any of your socials," I teased but technically it was true to which he said, with a betrayed look on his face, "Even now that we're already teammates? I feel betrayed."

"Hey, I don't just follow anyone I meet," I honestly explained and he just pulled me close by our held hands again and said, "Well, I'm not just anyone now am I?"

Of course you aren't just anyone. Your Charles, and you're a danger to my heart. I wanted to scream that at him but I couldn't. Beneath the hard exterior is a coward.

I am the biggest fucking coward out there. I hadn't realised I was staring until Charles took the AirPods out of my hand and put in on my ears again. The music played again as Charles guided me through the aquarium.

The whole place reflected blue and the various tropical fish and leopard sharks were just so amazing to watch. It was like I was underwater, and his music, his music was amazing. There was so much emotion in the music he made that I felt it with the beating my heart.

Every time the music went into a crescendo, my heart would start beating fast. Then it would calm down as the piano played softer. I was seeing Charles again in a different light. As I watched the blue light reflect on his features, I had an itch to ask him what happened with his failed relationships.

But I didn't want to ruin anything. He seemed so content with whatever I gave him. All he did was hold my hand and he was contented with it. I had never seen that in a man before. I was familiar with men taking what they want from me but never experienced a man being content with whatever is given.

Maybe that's what set him apart. He cared differently but how can I be sure? I can't know him enough if I don't let him in.

The music started to consume me again when my phone buzzed. I didn't want Charles to notice so I gently slipped my phone out of my pocket.

 I didn't want Charles to notice so I gently slipped my phone out of my pocket

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C. Leclerc

Artemis was so lost in my music that it made my heart swell. Finally, as the trip to the aquarium came to a close, she never let go of my hand. Not even once, not even for one second.

Was I winning her over?

Still, she was quiet on the car ride back. She didn't say anything no matter how many times I teased her. When we finally arrived at her hotel room, she gave me a hug. She gave me a heartfelt hug. It was warm and sincere and I welcomed it.

To my surprise, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "You have a special heart Leclerc. Don't ever waste it on me."

She kisses me and she pushes me away again. This is getting exhausting.


C. Sainz Jr.

I was frustrated. Artemis hadn't replied to me. Of course she's choosing him. Everyone's always choosing him over me.

Knock knock.

I nearly fell of my bed trying to get to my door. It was just after the race and I didn't see that anyone would want to see me at this time but then I opened the door and saw....

"So you're choosing me?," I asked.

"I'm here aren't I?," Artemis said with a sheepish smile. It wasn't the smile I was looking for but, physically she was here.

Physically, she wasn't with Charles.

I'll take every win I can get.

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