32| The Lord and his Princess

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C. Leclerc

Time didn't matter to me. I didn't care how long I'd wait in the waiting room. I'd wait for Artemis forever, doesn't matter if it is in a hospital.

I just want to talk to her again. Judging by the clock, I'd been waiting for a good amount of hours. It was 8 pm and I couldn't even look at my phone. All I could do was look on at all the healthcare workers, waiting for one of them to approach me and tell me about Artemis' condition.

I hadn't realised I'd been spacing out for so long until I heard someone say, "Sir?"

"Uh, yes!," I said, coming out of the trance. It was one of the doctors. She looked calm so that kind of reassured me but then I don't think they're allowed to look panicked in front of anybody related to the patient.

"You're her?"

"Boyfriend," I said out loud and she just nodded then said, "Thankfully she's very strong. She sustained fractures on some of her ribs due to the crash but it hasn't punctured any of her organs. The ribs should heal on their own with lots of rest, and I've just prescribed her some pain medication for the healing process for 12 weeks, and she must rest for that period."

I let out a sigh of relief then asked, "Why was she unconscious?"

"Most likely the crash caused her body to absorb a lot of force energy causing her to shut down but right now she is conscious," she continued to explain, "The large cut on her forehead has been stitched and it will scar but she expressed that she understood. Would you like to see her?"

"Yes..god yes," I said as I stood up from my seat. I could feel the stared or the other people in the hospital since I still had my racing suit on but I didn't care. I got to see Artemis, nothing could possibly make me feel bad right now.

I followed her through halls and elevators and finally we arrived in a private room. As we entered, a nurse was checking Artemis' vitals while she lazily opened her eyes to greet us. Her eyes widened as she saw me. I looked to the doctor and asked, "Can I just have some time alone with her, please?"

The doctor nodded and beckoned the nurse to come with her. I both thanked them quietly then took a nearby chair so I can sit beside Artemis. She then asked, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be racing?"

God, I love being near her. It always springs up my favourite memories of her and everything always feels right.

"I don't want to be racing if you're in this condition, I want to be here with you," I explained and she just shook her head as tears left her eyes.

"You are the whole package, don't you know that?"

"You are the smartest woman I've ever known. Not only that, you are passionate, tenacious, and you fight for what you want," I continued to say, "And I love that you love your grandfather and that you share that special bond over racing together. I love that even when you try to be so cold, underneath those walls is the most generous heart I know."

"And I am so tired of loving you from afar," I said as I took her hand in mine and kissed it fervently. I let my cheek rest in the palm of her hand as I continued to say, "It has been immense torture not being able to hold you and be wherever you are after wanting you for so long. I didn't even know it then but I know now that I have wanted you since the day I met you at Fred's office."

Artemis chuckled.

"Is that why you made the comment about what I was wearing?," she asked and I nodded. I was met with her beautiful smile and I swear I was melting.

"Do you have any idea, how much I missed you?," she said as she tried to wipe her tears away but she hissed, her arms still getting used to the IV line.

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