twenty two

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i grab my camera and head into the bathroom before pressing start and doing an intro

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i grab my camera and head into the bathroom before pressing start and doing an intro.

"so basically the reason why i'm whispering right now is because Harry is downstairs looking up new golf equipment so i figured it'd be the perfect time for this prank"

"i've set it all up and i have another camera downstairs already recording since that's where this is all going down. i'm nervous but i think it'll be funny, you guys have been requesting for ages that i do a water breaking prank so here it is"

"i'll probably end up filming the rest of this on my phone in the bathroom down there since i can't just grab the camera you know?"

i talk a little more and show a bump update quickly before heading downstairs.

"have you found anything you like?" i question walking into the kitchen.

"yeah kind of because i like these here but not really-" he turns the laptop around to show me.

"they aren't bad but the color is iffy" i look.

"that's what i was thinking as well you know" he nods and turns it back around to continue his search.

i wince and grab my stomach to make it seem as if i'm having a bad contraction to start everything.

he looks at me confused and concerned "are you okay?"

i start breathing heavily and look down while closing my eyes "i'm having another contraction like i did yesterday"

"wha- what can i do to help?" he gets up lowkey panicking.

i don't say anything and try to stay in character otherwise i'd be laughing.

he goes behind me and starts rubbing my back not knowing what else to do.

i lift my head slowly and look at him "okay it passed i think i'm good now"

"are you sure?" he asks looking concerned.

i nod "yeah i think so"

"scared the living hell out of me i'll be honest-" he laughs.

i laugh and kiss his cheek before heading into the downstairs bathroom.

i pull out my phone and start recording myself pouring water on my pants to make it seem legitimate. afterwards i quietly pour some water on the floor around me.

i prop my phone up and try to hide it the best i can before getting into position and letting out a loud whimper.

"babe" i shout.

"yeah?" he shouts back.

"come here" i say with an urgent tone.

next thing i know i hear him running towards the bathroom and the bathroom door opens.

he looks down at the water everywhere then at me as i'm holding onto the bathroom sink.

"what the hell-"

"i think my water broke" i look over at him.

his eyes widen and his jaw slightly drops "she's coming?! like right- right now??"

"not at this moment but she's starting to" i take a few deep breaths.

"we gotta go to the hospital babe like now- i'll get the bags stay here or move- i don't know- whatever you're most comfortable with doing" he says panicking and running out the bathroom, up the stairs.

i wait a few seconds to make sure he's up there before grabbing my phone and walking out there. i stop recording on my phone and grab the hidden camera.

i walk upstairs to him whilst laughing and walking into our bedroom while filming.

he was walking out the closet with the bags in his hands but stops in his tracks, looking at me bare confused.

"so she's not coming??" he asks.

i shake my head "no, she's not. i wish she was though"

his face went from anxious to super relieved in the matter of seconds.

he places the bags back in the closet and laughs "i was scared shitless- holy hell"

i laugh "sorry baby, just a little prank"

"you definitely got me but i'll get you better just wait" he smirks at the camera.

"oh?? is that a threat?" i laugh.

"no just a warning" he smiles at me innocently.

i end the video and put the camera down.

"c'mere gimme a hug"

he raises an eyebrow "you're all wet babe- i'm not getting wet"

"you're literally shirtless-" i look at him confused.

"fair point" he laughs and gives me a hug.

hope this is up to standards :,)

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