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"today on Beta Squad, welcome to the very first edition of.. Catch Phrase!" Sharky says.

we all cheer and clap "wooooooo"

"i'm your host Sharky and in today's show it's gonna be the classic format of- you basically say what you see on the screen. there will be an animation representing the catch phrase"

"so for example Chunkz, if the animation on the screen is a man standing in the middle between a wall and a rock.. what's that catch phrase?" Sharky says walking towards Chunkz.

"between a rock and a hard place?" Chunkz guesses.

"exactly! we all get it?" Sharky looks around at us.

Niko claps "ooh does he get a point for that?"

"he doesn't that was just an example but well done" Sharky laughs walking back to the front.

"so guys as you can see today's contestants are all in front of us, we have the Beta Squad members plus Elora Martin! welcome her back guys!" he claps.

they all clap, Aj and Niko start fake punching me so i swing at them but they ran off while laughing.

"all contestants are all playing for themselves for a big cash prize at the end of this for..."

"how much?" Kenny asks.

"however much you make-" Sharky shrugs.

"each question is £100"

"OH I NEED £100" Chunkz sings.

"i need that i need that" i add.

"so you all have your own buzzer, Chunkz what will your buzzer be?" Sharky asks.

"HEY" Chunkz shouts.

"Kenny what's your buzzer?"


"okay Aj?"

"OHHH" Aj shouts leaning against the table with his head down.

we all laugh "i thought you were getting neck under there"

"it has to be a word man it has to be a word" Niko looks at him.

"yeah- OH!" Aj repeats.

"what's that? define it-" Niko says.

"so when you're having a- you know what i'm just gonna pick another word- SHUSH"

"on brand i like it- Elora what's yours?" Sharky asks.

"yours should be NEEK" Chunkz jokes.

i laugh and flip him off "yeah i'll do it"

"and Niko?"

"bad breath" Aj jokes.

"oh yeah good one- i'm gonna go with beep" Niko nods.

"yeah that's two different beep and neek" Aj shakes his head.

"yeah beep and neek is close" Sharky agrees.

"how about you shut your mouth yeah? you focus on yours shush" Niko looks at him.

"yeah you using my line- good good good good good" Aj sings making me laugh.

"mine's got two syllables can i just change it to-" Kenny starts to ask but everyone cuts him off saying it'll be too confusing.

"so we know everyone's buzzers and now it's time for the rules" Sharky looks at the camera.

basically there's 3 rounds to this: we get shown videos and we have to guess the catch phrase that the video references and the more you guess the more money you make.

sweet (W2S) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora