5. Ramage

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Wylie wasn't just staring at the guard in front her out of curiosity—she wasn't staring at all actually—she was glaring at him. His annoying ash blonde hair, she couldn't believe she complimented earlier—wishing she could take it back this very moment.

The audacity, this guard had—the most jaw dropping audacity to smack her hand away, like a child about to steal from a cookie jar. It wasn't like she would set the damn portrait on fire—well, she definitely could do that before he would even notice it but right now that wasn't the point.

She would never dare, it was quite offensive to assume and accuse her—she was unbearable sometimes but provoking the King and Queen in their home! She'd have to be out of her mind—much more than she already was.

Wylie was just trying to admire the texture of the portrait, it wasn't like she was going to smear or mess up the dried paint—this thing wasn't freshly painted, was it?

A quick glance at the portrait she turned back to him, still glaring of course. "That hurt." Wylie mumbled as she rubbed her victimised hand. Atlas? Anxiety? Asshole—whatever his name was—she couldn't quite remember it, remained unfazed not even a single apology.

"Rude." Left her lips as she still had her gaze fixed on him, she was trying her best to remember his name but nothing came close to what she heard Qien call him, before they left her assigned chambers.

She was bad at names, sometimes and in her defence hearing a name once wouldn't stick—for the long run. And he, name lost in space, was rude enough to not introduce himself when Qien left them. Ash blonde hair, would be his name now—it did start with an A too—that was close enough.

"She said you couldn't touch anything."

Or should it just be asshole.

Wylie stared at him up and down, from his boots to his hair, numerous times just to annoy him.

Then again Qien, held this name much better—it suited her so well, it was definitely made for her.

As her instructions or shall she call them warnings, that she would find no trouble following yet she chose not to, were absurd and a kill joy. Touch nothing, she said about five times each time louder than the last with hostility.

Which wasn't much friendly or being a good host as Qien was stuck on the concept of calling her, a guest.

Wylie knew she might have provoked the guard that fueled to her already existing spite—she didn't have a good reputation after all.


Turning a new leaf, mostly when it was against your own will—did not look good because she wasn't 50% in—she wasn't even in agreement with all this.

She wouldn't say that though, her life was of value to her—she was after all only 24 years old, she had a lot of years ahead and she needed to not—die.

But that wasn't the point, she wasn't the problem. The point she was trying to say was for a guest she felt locked up and them breathing down her neck was her last straw, she couldn't even leave her room without two guards following her.

Not that she did leave her room—she wasn't allowed!

See, that's the point.

And Wylie knew the Queen was the only one considering her a guest, and as her job Qien had to keep her guard up for her—which mean watching her 24/7 without the Queen's consent—or maybe with it, only asking her to not kill the girl.

Which she was thankful for just not onboard with room arrest.

Qien's rant about her being a guest and this as 'security'—from her, not for her wellness—as Wylie clinged onto her begging to roam around freely, was bullshit and she was calling for proof.

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