10. Bandages

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Being bedridden for the past two days wasn't something she was fond of, despite them feeding her well—without the need to lift her finger to get the food—everything else was shit.

Being bedridden meant she had to stay in her room, day in and day out. The isolation was killing her and her leg was a real liability, she couldn't stand for long before it began to hurt—if standing was a pain, walking felt like it was being stabbed ten times per second.

Wylie knew it wasn't from the wound alone but her whole leg was sore from being roughly handled—the lengths they went to, just to stitch it up for the second time because the first time she accidentally opened them up again and it hurt.

The pain and isolation—not necessarily alone, she literally had Pinkie beside her—ignoring her but that was still company.

The Princess, the reason for all her despair was no show.

The only person she happened to see coming to her room, had been the maid assigned to bring her food—after her, no one else came—not even Qien or Ain.

She didn't expect them to come, they were probably celebrating her near murder attempt with the Princess. But Wylie did want the Princess to show up, for nothing else than a well deserved apology she had been waiting on since the mishap.

Last she saw her, she was begging Wylie not to fall asleep and then after that she was in her room with unfamiliar faces, while falling in and out of consciousness—untill she had been stable enough to question them all.

But yeah, Aldith.

She needed to find her and wanted to leave this bed, her back would probably be one with the bed if she stayed extra days like this.

Wylie pulled back her hand from Pinkie's fur, that action made the cat lift up it's head turning towards the groaning human. Wylie had her hands around injuried leg lifting it off the bed, slowly as to not hurt it—didn't really work as minor movements hurt, bad—she let out a breath in relief as her foot rested on the floor now.

Well now, she had to walk and she wasn't looking forward to that. Moving her leg gave her a tough time, she was going to be in tears before she reached the Princess, surely.

'What are you doing?'

Wylie turned to Pinkie, her hand touching the wall as she stood—it provided enough support for her not to fall. "I'm going to get my apology." She hopped on her good leg, her hand still against the wall with each hop until she reached the door—grabbing onto the doorknob.

'You aren't in a state to argue with her, idiot.'

Wylie hissed as she tried putting weight on her leg, regretted it as soon as she did—it was decided, she was going to go hopping to the Princess. "I'm not going to argue with her." She sighed leaning against the door, now open, a hand still on the doorknob—trying to gather her strength. "I just think I need an apology. I've been sitting on this bed for two day, my back is going numb and this room will make me go mad."

'I know you, you'll start a fight with the Princess. That won't end well.'

Wylie glared down at the cat in front of her. She knew Pinkie and they were judging her with the way the cat squinted their eyes, that and the fact the were blocking her way when she couldn't exactly jump over them—she had one good leg.

"She tried to kill me."

'She also saved you.'

Fair point, but that didn't cancel out the first one. Though Pinkie wouldn't agree Aldith tired to kill her—her stupidity and the Princess' stupidity as well, put her in this position—attempted murder, would have been planned out better.

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