7. Adventure m'lady

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Wylie glanced at the Princess. Her eyes studied Aldith, she wasn't dressed for bed like she was. The navy blue leather pants paired with a crepe shirt told Wylie everything she needed to know, she was going out and as her personal guard she had to accompany her.

She had done it a few times for the past week—accompanying the Princess—and she hated it.

But she had to do it regardless, everyday, well not today though—she would stand her ground by lying to be sick from something.

It had to work.

It needed to work—there was no room for failure.

In her defence it was too early, the sun wasn't even up—which was a lie, the sun had been up for a while now—the light in her room sure made it clear it was almost lunch, but Wylie liked living in delusion.

It was the solution

Which was why, she sat up then saved her blanket from the evil clutches then her back fell back on the bed, the warm and fuzzy blanket over her head—all snug—she wasn't getting up now, her life was worth risking for a few more hours in bed.

A gasp left Wylie's lips as pain shit through her butt from the harsh contact with the floor. Her left hand was still on the bed, gripping onto them while her right hand rested on the cold floor—the blanket tangled up with her legs on the floor.

Glancing up at the menace, Wylie cursed. "What the actual fuck Princess!" with her left hand, Wylie pushed herself on her feet in the process untangling herself from the blanket. She tossed it to the bed then began rubbing her aching butt—it hurt.

"I said, we are going out."

Aldith said with her arms crossed not fazed by her glare. She had asked nicely twice, by nice she meant simply pulling her blanket off and not pouring a bucket of water on her—in fact her third approach was a nice approach too, quite effective as well.

Look at her up and ready to get at it!

"Yeah? I don't want to."

Wylie had arms crossed as well. She had found out mimicking whatever the Princess did when they bantered—at least for Wylie—mimicking her actions pissed her off even more.

Something she loved.


Aldith's arms fell to her side. She knew Wylie was doing all this mimicking to annoy her, and she had told herself countless times to not let it get to her—yet, each time it did not matter how hard she tried simply ignoring it.

Like ignoring how Wylie's arms dropped to her sides the moment hers did and not acknowledging the smirk, she had grown to despise day by day.

"I caught a cough." Wylie forced a cough, which she shouldn't have done as her dry throat tingled and she was immediately coughing—for real this time. Her hand went over her mouth trying to control them somehow, her vision became blurry as tears filled her eyes.

She had long disregarded the hand over mouth once she slouched as a result of uncontrollably couching, the method to repress the cough seemed to have made it worse.

Her throat was burning.

Aldith was standing back, an amused expression on her face—thats what she got for lying.

"See." Wylie's voice came out hoarse, an effect from all coughing. The coughing has managed to subside but it left quite the memory—there were tears strained on her checks and her throat felt horrible.

She could handle the irritating throat that needed her to at least clear her throat, once or twice before she spoke. But what she couldn't handle was Aldith's judgemental gaze, and her zero attempts to help.

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