8. I'm the prey

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Wylie covered her mouth as she yawned. She was exhausted and she hadn't even done much.

All she had actually done was stand there while leaning against a tree, as she watched the Princess shoot arrow after another at the target. A shirt was the target and it happened to belong to Wylie—Aldith had it tied around a withering tree they stumbled upon.

She had wrapped around the tree in a way that the front of the shirt was facing them, almost how it would look like if Aldith had Wylie in it's place.

And Wylie knew the Princess was taking the shirt as her, being tied up and defenceless.


The shirt—Wylie's shirt.

That piece of information was something she knew nothing about as she went looking for the Princess, in the stables. Once they got on their horses, the two rode them down the street, the hooves hitting the vitrified bricks—the sound mixing with that of people the past until the castle got further and path became that of gravel.

She aimlessly followed her with no idea of an extra thing along with her arrows and bows. Most of the way, she had actually been wondering where Pinkie was—two whole day, she hadn't seen her familiar.

But she knew they were okay—otherwise she would have known.

The shirt Aldith took from Wylie—only she knew when and how—was the exact one she wore the day Aldith nearly poked out her eyes.

That part of how she remembered the shirt from a week ago and how she ended up with it—was a mystery to Wylie though she did have an idea how, she had just not gotten the chance to ask.

As soon as they stumbled across the withering tree, Aldith found worthy, she pulled out the shirt and tied it again.

Wylie furrowed her eyebrows watching her black colour shirt being tightly wrapped around a tree. The question she was about to ask hadn't gotten more than a 'when did' past as Aldith glared.

She was daring her to continue that question and see if it wouldn't be her on this tree instead. So yeah, Wylie pursed her lips and crossed her arms—making sure to stand far back and watch.

So she let her imagination come up with a conclusion as to when and how. Aldith took it from her room when she was sleeping or out—but she leaned more towards the first one, probably earlier today too—only the heavens knew what she has done around her room before Wylie woke up.

Which when she thought about it, was very scary—it would have been easy to kill her in her sleep and maybe she had tried. Wylie noted to herself to stop sleeping like the dead when someone—people—wanted her dead.

But she would give the Princess a congratulations for how vivid her memory was, to remember a shirt she wore a week ago. Something she couldn't relate to as her memory was pure shit, most of the times.


Aldith had a great time, Wylie couldn't miss that smirk as the arrows hit the shirt over and over, again.

Wylie watched as one arrow after another was let loose on her shirt, her poor victim shirt—that she liked but it seemed she would never wear that again, there wouldn't be anything left to salvage. Whenever an arrow successfully landed on the shirt, she would touch the exact same spot on her own body—and gulped

Aldith was really frustrated with her and her only outlet had to be Wylie, but she couldn't do that—so the shirt had to do. If she was ever given a chance to, Wylie knew Aldith would take it right then and there.

"Are you tired yet?"

Pushing herself off the tree she walked towards the Princess. Another arrow went straight through the middle causing Wylie to frown—her shirt had seen better days and today wasn't it.

Shards From Other StarsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora