Chapter 18- More rules

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Hey guys. So for these chapters I decided I should make some goals. So for this chapter one of my goals will be.




Please help me achieve this goal. I won't publish my next chapter until you do. I would like if you guys helped me create a ship name for Grayson and Jason. Thank you so much for your help and I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Jason's Pov.

*This part is a little dark. If you do not feel comfortable with reading dark things. Then I suggest you skip to the end. Which will have a quick summary of the chapter. So if you are innocent, don't read this. If you do and you get mad. I warned ya*

I can't see anything or move anything. All I know is that I am tied down to a bed, so I am spread out like an eagle. I don't know how long I have been here. I have already tried calling for help but my mouth has a giant ball inside of it, which is tied to the back of my head. I am so scared. I miss Grayson so much. I wonder if he is even looking for me. Probably not, probably just glad I am off of his back, because I have been following him around like a lost puppy.

I was interrupted from my thoughts, when I heard a door open. I started to physically shake in fear of what was going to happen.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here. Is my little pet not used to being tied down like this? I thought your stupid father would teach you the rules, but I guess not. Well, that just allows me to engrave my rules into your head. Now, I am going to untie your mouth. If you so much as make a peep, you will be punished. Got it?" He says in a sinister tone. I nod my head 'yes' in fear of what would happen if I didn't. He slowly untied the gag and took it out. "Isn't that better?" He says like he is talking to a baby or animal. All of a sudden he starts to untie the cloth that is covering my eyes. I am then met with a bright light, which hurts my eyes from not seeing light in a long time. So I close my eyes. After my eyes adjust I look around the room and all of a sudden I see a large man sitting on the bed next to me. I look him over and I must say he is very attractive, but not as attractive as Grayson. I feel tears prick my eyes at the thought. I will never see him again. I look up at him and mouth the word 'why'. He give a sinister chuckle and says "Well, you see my pet. You are mine and have been for a while. Your dad hated you so he decided to put you, more like you picture, in the black market. Saying that you are the perfect submissive. I must say he was right. Your so small and you don't even talk. You are the perfect slave." He looks me over real quick and then goes back to talk.

"Here are the rules. If you break any of these rules you will be punished. Number 1: You will call me master. When you talk your sentence must start with master and end with master. You will call everyone else sir or miss. Number 2: You will treat everyone higher than you with respect. Especially me. So that means of they ask you to do something, you do it. Also you will listen to everything I tell you to do. Number 3: You will be my personal slave. So you are not allowed to have any body else use your body. It is for me only. Number 4: You are to wear your uniform, unless we are are alone. In which you will be naked. Those are all the rules. Oh, also you must follow me around every where I go. So when we are with other people you will crawl. To show me I am the boss. Also if I gear of you trying to escape you will be punish to the extreme. So don't break any of my rules. Got it?" He says with a sneer. I nod my head frantically.

"I am going to untie you now. Follow me and I will show you what you will be wearing." He unties me and stands up and heads to the door. I quickly follow, scared of what will happen if I fall behind. He leads me to a room and opens the door. "Here is your uniform. Go shower and get dressed. Quickly." He says like he is bored. I nod my head and make my way towards the bathroom. I quickly shower not wanting to hold him up and get dressed. I make my way out and spot him sitting on the bed. He hears the door open and moves his head up, so fast I am surprised he hasn't gotten whip lash.

"You look amazing pet. Now let's start your training.". he says with an evil smirk. Which makes a shiver run up my spine. He quickly grabs my forearm and starts to drag me out. He drags me down the hall and into a room. Where he throws me down. He turns on the light so I can see. When I look around I realize how crazy this man really is.

Remember to


Ok here is the summary. So what happened was. Jason was told the rules, that he was a personal slave, and then escorted to his new masters room. Where he was told to shower and change into uniform. In which he did. After that his master dragged him to the room, to show him what is going to happen, and he realized that this guy is crazy.


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