Ch.1.1 The party

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The party

Theo's pov

Ugh, Mondays are the worst. I have to get up for school. As much as I love being with my friends and that I take my studies seriously, weekends are still so much better.

Regardless, today's just another Monday. To get to school l, I have to walk with my sister Tamara, though she's not in high school yet.

That's what I just did thing morning but goodness it was freezing cold, I mean, it's almost Thanksgiving weekend and I'm sure snow is right around the corner but my mom can't drive me to school because she's working

Anyways, I get inside the school and as soon as I do, I notice my friends walking right towards me.

"Theo you're coming to my party, right?'' One of my friends Pamela says.

Pamela is a Latino girl with curvy hips. She has long curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She's about 5.4 ft too. She really is beautiful and she's even fierce.

"Of course, I am why wouldn't I?'' I say confused.

"Oh you never know, there are some people that won't even come for the strangest reasons.'' I chuckle at her attempt at a joke.

"You're right.''

"Theo those girls are staring at you.'' Oh, Brooke, she always notices stuff like that, so she always tells me whenever others stare at me or something.

Brooke is a shy girl and she's sweet. Through she naturally has brown hair but she dyes her hair light blond. She has those heart-warming hazel eyes. She's smaller though standing at 5.2 ft and not as wide either.

Honestly, I couldn't care less but knowing how much of a kind-hearted person I am, I wave back at them. Honestly, Pamela would've talked to them for sure but I don't feel comfortable talking to them. Waving is still a nice gesture.

"Aww Theo! Why did you only wave at them? You could tell from here those girls like you!" Of course, Pamela exclaims loudly.

"Really? They were only being nice."

"Sure, sure keep telling yourself what you want."

I go to my friends and then we head to our respective lockers. I open my locker and take my math stuff. Class starts in five minutes so I kinda have to prepare if I don't want to be late like some certain kind of people.

I mean Nathan is basically never there so why bother talking about him? It's not like I care.

"Theo, what did you do during the weekend?''  Pamela says.

''Oh, I went to the movies with the guy next door." That's actually not true...

"Cool, but why didn't you invite us?'' Pamela says confused and interrogatively.

"Sorry, it was a last-minute decision and you know he lives basically across my street. If you don't remember." I hate lying but sometimes I have to or else Pamela will always probe for more and never leave the matter alone.

"Oh yeah, that guy...Yeah, it's not like I could've gone, I hung out with my boyfriend all weekend long!" She's uneasy at first and then she's ecstatic.

It's kinda annoying when Pamela talks about her boyfriend. Like I don't want to know everything about your relationship. The bell rings and we go to math class.


Math was fine but I think I want to go to the rooftop. Normally, I rarely go there but I kinda want to go and relax. It's not that I hate my friends or anything but sometimes I need a break from Pamela. There's Brooke too but she doesn't like going on the rooftop.

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