2022 Christmas special

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*This special is set in the future and happens after the epilogue. Therefore, I recommend reading up to the epilogue. Enjoy!*

2022 Christmas special

Unknown pov

For a second there, I was sure I would get my beauty sleep and enjoy a calm morning all alone with Theo.

Unfortunately, I got quickly reminded of real life when our children come jumping at us begging us to open the presents. Can't I get one moment with Theo?

Even if deep down I kind of wish for that, I know that things haven't been like before for years now.

I basically signed up for this the moment the twins were born, ok well not true, it's been since I came back into Theo's life and started living as a family with Moonlight. I never knew back then that I would appreciate fatherhood.

Before I came back into Theo's life, I was hardly thinking about having kids. I knew I had Moonlight but just knowing how I left them made me feel like a failure of a dad.

Ever since the twins were born, it's like things changed for the better. Life has been hectic the last few years through.

Taking care of twins is no such feat. Then a few years later we welcomed into the world our baby Nora. It's rare for me to think of her as my baby. I'll never tell that to Theo or the kids. It's embarrassing.

Theo is the more emotional parent, not me. Nora is after all our baby, she's not even 3 yet which makes her the youngest.

While for the twins they are already 6 years old.

What's worse is that Moonlight is almost 18. I can't stand seeing her growing up so fast. She grew up too fast! She's basically an adult now! Okay, she barely turned 17 two months ago but still...

Ugh, I think Theo transferred some of his emotional attributes to me. Gosh...I hate being emotional.


"Oh yeah sorry. I get it. You kiddos go wait downstairs with Moon while we get ready."

"Dad...I want to open the presents now."

"Carson don't worry. Your dad and I will get dressed up so fast that you won't even notice you even waited for us!"

That seems to cheer up Carson. Thank goodness I have Theo. I don't know what I would've done without him.

"Ok, we'll go wait!"

"Don't take too much time Papa and Dad!"

Argh, that little guy. It's obvious in my eyes that we got ourselves a little me. Carson is a lot more like Theo, while Cayden is a lot more like me. What are the chances that the twins ended up like that?

"Yeah, we will be fast."

The boys leave but Moonlight stays behind with Nora in her arms.

"Don't do some hanky pansy stuff. The boys were basically bowling their eyes out ever since they woke up."

"Don't worry about that. We don't intend on doing that right baby?"

"We won't. After all, I can't wait for the kids to open our presents!"


Aww, what a way to be reminded that sweet little Nora is still in the room and can hear everything.

"Yes, you'll get presents too Nora." She smiles brightly, showing her little teeth.

"How many do I have this year? Not the same amount as the other years, I hope so?"

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