Chapter 3

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Herdas POV

I sighed and stared at the girl as I noticed that I had forgotten how powerful I am compared tothe twigs that humans are. I picked her up and subtly raised an eyebrow the minute she lost consciousness.I started running towards my crew and ship 10 gials away from the clearing where I first found the two yearlings.Sarlog heard me coming and waved happily "Herdas! You're back!"I chuckled softly "and with a catch too, I would be careful though; she's as tough as they come.Sarlog grabbed her and immediately started seeking defects that would prevent us from selling her off to a pet shop.I started to turn around when he put a hand on my shoulder"What happened to her?It seems as if she crashed into something." I turned around and fixed him with one of my famous glares. "She was being a bother." Sarlog sighed and nodded "Where are you going now though?" I looked back at the clearing "there were two and unlike you I actually want to get paid"My old friend snorted and clasped my hand "well then , good hunting. I'll take care of this one until you get back. Maybe you'll finally get a pet like the rest of us"

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