Chapter 7

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Right in front of me was the first alien I met.The one who's fault it all was.I was confused , why would he defend me from their blows by putting himself in frotn of me.I got my answer soon enough "stop.I wouldn't want my property damaged. "My overseer (not) Jabal stared at him "Herdas?I thought you didn't want a pet?" Herdas sighed "for once I actually like a human.She has something that makes me want to make her mine.I saw defend her sister, and since we haven't found her I'm going to say she's good at it Jabal nodded slowly "so I'm assuming you want me to train her?"My new alien owner (not) nodded. "I would be extremely grateful if you could.She's a fighter though.Doubt you'll be able to.Just no excessive punishments without my permission "Jabal nodded as if he understood and promptly went to pick me up.As he got closer I immediately tried to run ,dumbly forgetting about the chain around my ankle.He grabbed me by the dark and quickly immobilized me. "Herdas! Quickly , disconnet the chain before she gets away!"Herdas undid the chain and both aliens quickly walked into a building.For the first time I was truly scared of what might happen to me, yet I knew something they didn't.To get back to my sister.I would do anything.ANYTHING AT ALL.


Hey guys! As you seem to have noticed I apparently only update once a month but since this is December I'll try to post more .Sorry about the horrible writing but I hope you're enjoying this story! Please leave a comment.It means a lot to me.Stay safe and have a good day/night !!

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