The alien wants me to recover

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(Elena's POV) 

When I woke up I was somewhere totally unfamiliar again.  A room with white walls and hundreds of machinery hanging on the wall. I shook my head slightly before sitting up and taking off the things connected to me. It was so strange because all I heard about aliens was that they harmed, yet this one brought me to this [exact] place and got me treated. I don't know why or when but he seemed.... to care?

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and quickly began devising ways to escape from. The window?nope, too small. The door?probably guarded. The medical cart?I smiled as I made my way over to it and inspected it. It was small but I could certainly manage to sneak into it. It could get me around the base and if I'm lucky enough then I could get close to the exit.

Someone coughed behind me and I slowly turned my head around. /that/ alien was standing there watching my pathetic attempt at escape. I scowled and stood up before staring at him defiantly. He seemed to mumbled something like 'why so headstrong. I just want to rest for one day,but nooo' I tilted my head slightly and raised an eyebrow "What was that ?" His eyes widened and he raised his hands in surrender "nothing, nothing " I scoffed and motioned around me "what am I doing here?" "You don't remember?"He asked me as if I was trying to trick him and I shook my "obviously " He sighed before crossing his arms over. "You passed out after I held you up by the leg" I did a faceplate and just stared at him incredulously "of course I passed out! You made all the blood rush to my head "(A/N , NOT REALLY SURE HOW IT WORKS. PLEASE DONT YELL AT ME IF ITS WRONG) 

He blinked before realization flooded into his face "that makes more sense now" I threw my hands up in frustration and walked away from him "so now what? You want to gloat because you /think/ you made me more docile?" He chuckled from his position and shook his head "quite the opposite in fact.  I want you to get better " I just stared at him again "you, am alien. Wants me to get better?"I scoffed "as if, any other lies you got there?" He scowled before walking towards me. For every step I took backwards he took another one forwards until I hit the wall and he was in my face " I'm not lying , and you better start being respectful. You could get in serous trouble for everything you're doing. Now, you got some people angry. Don't make that also the person that takes care of you"I glared at him before angrily replying "I don't need you to take care of me! I am my own person! In fact that we were doing great before you appeared and ruined my life!"

He growled at me before grabbing my hand and taking me towards an open door. He pushed me inside and slammed the door shut. "You will stay there until you learn manner or recover!" I scowled at the door from my spot on the floor and looked around for ways to make it more comfortable. 

Grea. Now wasn't I only stuck in a alien base. I was now stuck with an angry alien.

Another day in my life.


Hey guys! Sorry for not posting anything.  I did say that during school and I didn't go to school for 3 days and then yesterday I was writing some of this down.

Thank you for your patience and have a good day/night!- mrm2950

614 words

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