Decisions and regrets

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(3 days later ,Elena's POV)

I stared at the wall dumbly trying to rein in my thoughts.I don't know how long I've been in here but I do know that its been too long.I was so spaced out that I couldn't felt my legs anymore ,nor hear the rumbling coming from my stomach.I was in fact so out of it that I didn't even noticed the door open.Not even the hurried footsteps that quickly approached me.I only noticed when someone shined a bright light in my face and I could only turn away only for someone to grip my head and looked into my eyes. "Gfh?!pdg!- PET!"I groaned as I stared at an aliens face trying to remember what was happening or where I was.I could only remember that I hadnt eaten for the past 4 days or so and that I was really dehydrated (Not sure how this works.If anyone does please tell me so I can fix it!).I just closed my eyes and layed there hoping that it would get better one way or another. In the end I never noticed someone shaking or telling me to wake.Only the peaceful darkness that seemed to call to me.I felt as I was missing something or breaking a promise ,but what?I just couldn't remember.I let the darkness hug me while I just leaned into its embrace, hoping for some peace and quiet.


(Herdas POV, a couple of minutes earlier)

Today was the day I would go to my pet and see if she was finally broken or at least submissive enough. I opened the door and to my horror my pet was slumped onto the wall with glazed over eyes.I hurriedly walked over to her and began inspecting her while turning on a light.I sighed in relief while grabbing her head to make her look at me. "Pet?!, pet!, PET!" She seemed to finally come out of it by the third time and I quickly began to undo the chain around her ankle.By the time I was finished I noticed that she was falling asleep.I began shaking  her trying to wake her back up "PET!wake up! Don't you dare go back to sleep!" I started to get more worried as she didn't seem like she was listening.I just quickly picked her up and ran towards the pet infirmary.Jabal was there talking to the veterinarian about one of his workers and turned to me. "Hey, Her-" He cut off as he noticed the lump in my arms and quickly moved off the bed he was on to let me place her on it. "What happened?!" I shrugged " I went in only to find her like this "The veterinarian quickly moved over and examined her. "She appears to be malnourished as is the case with most wild pets but also dehydrated." He glanced at us. "Whatever you did , it would be wise not to do it again.Humans are very fragile and social creatures and so we must be very careful with them.I nodded quietly "of course , I'll make sure it won't happen again. "Jabal stared at me wide eyed "I never knew that just 3 days without food , company and water would do this." The doctor sighed "no one does but it is really important. I can attach her to some fluids and feed her some nutrients but it will take some time to recover. My advice is to lock her in your room and take good care of her.Mark her if you can and if not the collar should suffice.You don't need their permission for that."I nodded and sat down near her "how long does she need to stay here?"The veterinarian frowned "I would say 2 days but do bring her back very couple of days so I can se how she's doing"I nodded and began heading to the door. "I'll come back then, thank you sir ." I bowed my head toward him and left the infirmary. Jabal followed me quickly and I sighed before turning to him "I dint really know that would happen "He turned to me "neither did I , I'm really sorry.If I knew I wouldn't have let you ."I waved his worries away "it's fine , as long as she recovers.After all it is also my fault. We both stared at each other before heading to our respective work areas.I hope she'll be alright.


Hello! I just finished my Geography and English finals! I passed and that's all that matters.What about you guys?I hope you guys did well too. I hope you are enjoying this story so far. Thank you for reading.

Have a good day/night! - mrm2950

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