New plan

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(Elena's POV)

I oomroamed the apartment, inspecting it for weak spots or any weakness I could expose. There! I quickly spotted a loose board and quickly pulled it up. There , tucked away into a corner was a gun shaped object.As I reached for it, I froze momentarily because rushing to put everything in place and still manage to find a place to hide. Footstep walked in the room and I stated at the combats boots that were right in front of my face. All I could hear was my heart thumping and I felt like I was breathing too loudly.I thought he was going to catch me for a second but instead after a moment the boots retreated from my hiding spot and I could breath somewhat more camly

One moment I was underneath the bed and the next I was hanging upside down.My response was instatenous as I twisted around and clawed and kicked at whoever was holding me. Someone grunted before tightly hugging me to stop my helpless attacks. The floor beneath was swaying slightly, with figures blurring all together. I didn't know what was causing it but I felt dizzy and sick. So dizzy in fact that I never noticed than I was collapsed on the floor or the worried face of the alien.All I knw what flat I wanted a nap and I was going to take it.  Darkness stretched around me and welcomed me with with open arms.

_______________time skip brought by Ana (if you don't know who she is. Go back and read the proloug.(or however it's spelled))))____________________________________

A bright light was what I woke up to, it was shining in my face and chased away the remnants of sleep away from. Groggily, I opened my eyes to stare at the world around me. There was a weird machine , me being tied to a bed, the alien- wait. WHAT?! I shot up from my laying position and hastily tried to remove the cuffs from around my wrists. Since I was too busy trying to remove the cuffs I never noticed that I had woken up my alien guard, so imagine my surprise when I heard someone cough. I immediately whirled my head and flinched slightly as I got whiplash. I really should get better at that. "-own safety " I blinked for a moment before staring at me I hadn't been paying attention and didn't completely get what he said. "What?" He looked like he wanted to face palm but just repeated what he had said earlier. "I said , this is for your own safety."  I just shrugged , I wasn't too convinced that this was for my safety but they're the ones fooling themselves, not me. I shook my head slightly and the finally recognized who it was. My 'owner' stood up, coming to my left side and gently rubbing my hair. I tried to twist my head away but he just either stop it by gently yanking in my hair or just coming along. I don't know how long we stayed there but  later when someone came in I was somehow more relaxed than ever. The alien that had treated me earlier (not really, the day before) inserted a needle in my arm. As I glared at him I started to feel drowsy and half asleep. I didn't know why they drugged me but I did know was that they were speaking and I had to know. I fought against the darkness but in the end it took over like a wave and before I knew it my head was hitting rhe pillow and I was out cold.

Herdas (POV)  

I was worried for my pet she kept hiding and doing who knows what and when I picked her up by the leg she passed out. Now when she woke up she didn't fight me as much, now usually I would say it's a good but not here. Her fighting spirit was something I respect and that it simply snuffed out, isn't something I can easily comprehend. When I asked the doctor he did a quick check up by inserting a needle, yet the most worrying thing of all was that she passed out again. The vet looked worried and glanced at me "Have you been following my instructions?" I nodded and gestured towards her "yes, bit there's something wrong apart from diet. I don't she should be this exhausted unless that was a sedative.." He shook his head "it's not a sedative,I have used it countless times on humans. It pings back to results of whether they are healthy or aren't. I turned to look at my human and frowned. "Then what is wrong with her?" The veterinarian glanced at my pet and frowned "I'm sorry to say that I'm not sure, it may be exhaustion from running too. Nonetheless I need you to keep her calm and to not let her run too much. As this rate it might be best for her to go back to the wild. She may know how to get better there or seeing how wild she is, then maybe she might be at peace if she dies." My brows furrowed as I thought about the problem before looking back at her.

I did promis something, and I feel like all of this may be my fault. By the time I look back at the vet I had made my mind "2 weeks, if she doesn't get better by then, you have my permission to place a tracker ans let her go free. "Of course sir, she should be able to go back to your quarters in a couple of hours."He said. I began to leave the room when he spoke again "uh sir? It might be best not to tell her that we may let her go" I looked back at him before replying "I know, just call me when she wakes up and I will handle the rest" with that I left the room and began to plan possible ways to get her healthy again. 


I know, I know that I haven't posted in two days bit look! And extra long chapter!. Do you guys like the idea of me writing a fanfic? It might mean that I don't update as much on this story and some of the other one depending on where I write it. Your choice 

Have a good day/ night!! And don't forget to smile!-mrm2950

1,073 words (new record!)

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