Back to the starting point (?)

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(Herdas POV)

I was just coming back from getting some stuff for my pet only to find the door locked.Now that wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that it shouldn't be locked and that it was barricaded. I sighed before placing the stuff to the side and quickly ramming against the door. 'Good' I thought as soon as I felt it start to give up.Acter that I quickly rammed against it two more times.The second time the door fell down while taking me with it.In all the confusion I didn't even notice that she had escaped until I looked up and saw no one there.I silently let out a curse before quickly moving to get her back.I started pushing humans left and right to get a quicker road.I spied her running and I felt myself move faster to grab from behind.I don't know where or how but she was picking up speed which was something that confused me.Then again she was different from everyone else.Almost as if she was still holding onto something.I don't know , humans are strange, weird creatures. 

We both seemed to be picking up speed but I knew better.Quietly shaking my head I made a short burst of speed and quickly hauled her up into the air while securing her in a way that she couldn't escape.She glanced st me with fearful wide eyes I was sure she didn't know she was wearing before shushing and quickly making my way back to the room. "Well it seems we have stuff to work on.I'll forgive it this time, but next time.Lets just say you won't like what will happen next time "I noticed that she flinched and when I looked down at her I couldn't help but noticed that she was staring at me defiantly.I wondered how exactly she was doing that.By this stage mot pets would have been broken.Not her though; there was something keeping her strong.I'll admit I liked her and will definitely keep my promise I made that day.If she escapes then I will respect that and help her in any way.

She has to escape first though.


Hello! Not sure if anyone reads this because I know I barely do but oh well.If you do read this then you will know that I plan to probably update this every day (?) except on weekends.I may miss some days because I'm not in the mood but hey! I'm working on it.Im glad some people like this story.A couple days ago this story was in the top 200! It dropped back down but hey! It's a cause for celebration. 

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