chapter 6

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Storm's POV

My leg bobbed up and down on the floor silently but didn't help in the slightest. My ears rang of nothing and my mind reeled of everything. Every thought, dream and memory - toturing me as best as they could.

I covered my ears with the palms of my hands and tried to tune it out. The silence never did me any good. I'd think then overthink, later leading me into an abbeys of dark thoughts. The memories, however, were by far the most significant. They pulled at the seams of my sanity begging me to scream at the top of my lungs, to make any sound at all. Begging me to burst and shatter

It had become too much, i left the hall and made for the streets. I loved London for it's constant movements and sounds. It reminded me there was life. I often needed that reminder. This was one of those times. My hands clutched at my jacket, looking any way to expel my frustration. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. In a situation where other people would have thought it effective, i thought it triggering. Instead of seeing calming darkness, i saw the scene unfold before my eyes once again. More vivid this time, than the last.

I was sat in a car, no windows, no doors, the sterring wheel spun on it's own, hurling me in all directions. I tried to scream for it to stop but my voice got stuck in my throat, i was useless. She wasn't there this time. I was alone, no blood or shattered bones and glass cuts. I was perfectly fine but she was not there.

I do admit, seeing it from a perspective such as this one made it a bit more bareable. The only down side was the loud screeching sound that got me covering my ears all over again. "You okay, buddy?", a passing man asked. "You're bit green in the face."

I shook my head but obviously that didn't make any sense as a response. The man left, probably concluding that i was one of the many mad people that roamed the bustling streets of London. I started walking. Anywhere was better than here. Anywhere at all. I crossed the road and took a random turn, i dont quite remember if it was a right or left.

My feet stopped infront of a building so grand it was a depiction of the 1400. An age so iconic in lived in many minds and tales. Just leering its head and hooking all those who read it. The library. It was old, one of the oldest in London but i had never so much as set foot in the building. That evening was the first of many. I took the staurs two at a time and entered the grand building. Such a giganic antique.

The inside was just as impressive as the outside but no amount of artistic beauty would stop my thoughts from haunting me. Nothing that happened that evening was planned. I like to think it was ment to be, just the universe pulling the strings and fate accompaniying it. I found myself in the fiction isle, something i had never done before. I was more realistic with my works yet there i was, sat in a corner reading Cinderella with utmost focus and dedication.

I flipped through the pages absorbing each and every piece of information. The words seemed to transport to the scene. I pictured Cinderella in her ruined dress, the glass slipper she left and the carriage of pumpkins she rode.

The real word was completely tuned out, allowing me the smallest window of rest. My nights were usually worse than this. I'd be sat in my bed, sleep evading me, as my thoughts found pleasure in tormenting me. That night was the bare minimum.

Reading was a wonderful escape and i appreciated that. It was obvious, by the time I was interrupted by a buzzibg text on my phone, thay i would be doing a whole lot more of reading. I checked the text. One from Anna, just as i had expected.

Anna: Im really sorry about the guys. I thought this would help.

An apology through text. How sincere. She was right in some sense. I would definitely avoid her for as long as possinle after that so an apology text was better than nothing. I didn't respond. Before I could return to a world.of happily ever afters the librarian walked over. "It's a tad late, dont you think?", she inquired.

"I take it it's time to lock up?", the old red haired lady nodded. "Would like some help?" She agreed and i found myself 15 minutes later lovking the main door of the library before leaving for home.

I had to brace my self for the long walk. I had left the little bit of money i had left at the hall with Anna and it was obvious i wouldn't board any bloody vehicle, at least not yet. I wasn't ready for a step as big as that.

It was a forty five minute walk and by the time i got home i was exhausted but not exhausted enough fkr my mind to switch off and allow me to sleep. That was a stretch. I hesitated by the door. Home was always awkward. Mum and dad seemed to pity me and my grandmother was just a bit extra on the tough love. I walked in to be met my my mother. She looked worried, as always.

"Storm, thank the gods. Do you want some dinner?", she started.

"Hi, mum. I'm fine. Im not hungry."

"Do you want some water, you look tired?", she pressed.

"Or maybe i could make you some warm milk. Its quite chilly outside."

My god, could they not just move one, let me be and stol treating me like a vase so easy to break. I was fine. As fine as i possibly could be. It had two years, what was i supposed to do, break out into tears and let her wipe them? I wasn't goung to do anything of the sort. Sienna would have wanted me to smile, even if it wasn't genuine. She just wanted me to be happy.

"I said I'm bloody well fine, mum. Could you please just let it go?", I snapped. The house became quiet and the rattling of plates i had heard in the kitchen halted. I took the silence as my que and took my leave. I made for my monotone room. It was as clean and organized as usual. There'd less mistakes made that way. I changed jntk my night wear, not hat i was going to get any sleep, and sat on my bed. I did what i often did, scowered the internet for anything to distract myself.

It was that night that i found her. The moment i laid eyes on her blue hair and honey voice i knew there was no going back. I would be lost to her from that moment on with no room in my core for anyone else. She was beautiful and I'd do anything to watch her all night. Even if it meant the sun would never rise. Except, she had only uploaded one video. I was left with a thirst for more. But the moment that thirst was quenched I'd be hurled into a Rollercoaster with no intention of stopping.


I've introduced a crucial character. I hope you guys got a piece of him from this. You'll be seeing him a whole lot more now.

It's my birthday guys😭and I'm finally 16. I expected a drastic change but it all feels the same. Im eligable to drive now though, so there's that.

I want a polaroid camera.

Random question: what would like for your birthday?


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