Chapter 7

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Tan's POV.

I will only be indicating whose POV I'm writing in when i write in Storm's. The lot that is not indicated is Tan's.


I had been incased in a bubble of attention ever since I agreed to be on social media actively. My phone had been blowing up with follows and likes. I had to admit, I liked the attention. After being starved of something for so long it's only normal that you lose yourself to it when you finally get it. So much had changed since i debuted online.

School was the home of most of the change. The people who used to jump at every chance they got to make fun of me, simply avoided me. They stayed away and that was more than i could have asked for - way more. I could remove my hat and receive more compliments than insults. Of course I still had the lurking feeling that something terrible would happen if i did but it was a well welcome change. One i was going to hold on to for as long as possible.

Han had assumed the roll of my manager. I agreed. I trusted him and he knew a mega lot more than i did about social media. I was merely his apprentice waiting for my next instruction. I had uploaded four videos over the past month and each had received an ample amount of love. Though i have to clarify, the hate was there too but i chose optimism, for the first time. I tried to ignore comments but curiosity often got the best of me in the end. It was an odd game of this or that in my head. 

As optimism intailed, I kept my hopes up and tried not to allow any of the hate to get to my head. A task way harder than it seems. There would be times a single comment would replay in my head until i was convinced it was true. I usually left that state of mind by reading a book and dissappearing into a world of fantasy. It worked wonders but the moment i flipped the last page the thoughts came pouring back.

If i haven't mentioned this before, i shall highlight my point now: this is only the tale of how I rose to the top and fell with a thud back to the bottom, a story of a premature win and an even more premature loss. I will not dwell on matters that i do not believe led up to the heart of story. I will only hand pick the most significant and pivoting of the lot.

Becoming a social media sensation was a tad hectic. I had to look, speak and potray a certain picture. One that the unsuspecting people online would eat up, no questions asked. My hair had to be tied all pretty and make up had become something i wore more than just on special occasions. My debut had changed the people around me and myself. That's why i was sat on the rather spikey grass with Han and three other people, all girls. From the girl who barely had friends, i had become the girl just about everyone wanted to be friends with. They had made it their mission to stick to me like glue the moment they saw my name light up on Instagram with a '12K followers' next to it. They did not need much encouraging from there.

"Bananas are odd. I think kiwis are better.", Kayleen, one of the girls, whined.

"Your opinion doesn't matter, Kay. I was asking Tan", her doe eyed sister snapped.

Their eyes shifted to me. Han threw me a look. It was too warm to be on about fruits. I honestly couldn't care less what fruits the two preferred and i didn't know them enough to be on nickname basis, i was so close to telling them that but bit my tongue. It wasn't worth it. I answered in a more composed manner. "I think all fruits are equally nice.", i shrugged. They seemed disappointed, moving on to engage the fourth person sat with us, Malika, in conversation. She seemed bored but responded anyway mostly with curt nods and simple yeses and nos.

"You've reached a million, Tan.", Han said suddenly. He wasn't loud but he was definitely excited. It took me a while to register that information. Before i could respond Han had taken to talking my ear off.

"We should post a thnak you song, or maybe something a touch different. I'm thinking maybe a cake and some ballons to thank them. Or...", he help up a hand. "Hear me out, we could have a bloody concert. I'll find promoters and a venue and i could have it all ready by the weekend."

Inwas overwhelmed, my ability to speak had been snatched from me and i was just a bundle of words i couldn't say. It was a moment of long stillness. I'd go back to that moment if i could, to the bliss and ecstasy i felt then. It's unfortunate, however, that life isn't programmed that way. It'll only live in my fading memories.

After school that afternoon Han took the liberty to help me set up for the video. We finished baking the cake by seven in the PM. We brought all my equipment to the kitchen where we filmed. We joked and laughed the whole time. Those moments are what i miss.

"Just adjust your skirt a touch.", Han suggested getting the camera into position.

I did as i was bid and cleared my throat. "Ready.", i took a breath and went into it.

We took the video about five times until i felt it was close enough to perfection. I messed up more times than i could count but the end result was amazing. It was around nine when we finised and had some supper.

"So I've spoken to one of my boys in the venues and event planning sector and we've got you a gig. Tickets will be out by morning.", Han said passing me a washed plate. 

"So I'm on for the weekend?", I inquired.

"Of course. I just have to confirm one thing though.", he put the plate he was rinsing. "Do you want to do this?"

I sighed. The thought of people actually liking my stuff was wonderful but the nevers made bigger waves - way bigger. I looked him in the eyes and said the words i had been trying to ignore for quite a while.

"I don't know."


Tan is becoming big. I'm so proud of her😭out of all the characters I've ever created, Tan, comes 2nd place as my favourite. She feels emotions more than any of my other characters and i relate a lot to that.

Random question: do you write too? Any cool books I could check out on your bio?


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