chapter 9

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My heart took the liberty to pound against my ribcage in swift motions. I could feel the blood rush to my head causing a buzz of dizziness. My stomach was occupied with it's own set of activities. It churned twosted and grumbled continuously. Of course the grumbling was a result of skipping meals and opting for snacks, but the rest was pure nerves. The nausea chose that moment to settle pretty in my stomach like it hand nowhere better to be.

That fourth day of December marked my first ever set of live performances. Putting my work online had been unspeakably difficult for me to do but performing live topped that a million times over. My mind had kept to it's demoralizing routine of overthinking.

What if noone showed up?

That question crossed my mind too many times to count and only served to worsen my anxiety. I feared I'd stumble and fail to deliver the performance my fans deserved. That was a close second on my list of concerns.

I had spent days locked up in my room practicing every single song i planned to perform. It was frustrating but all tjat intense work had to pay off on the concert day. All those late nights spent trying to perfect every word in a certain song all came down to that one day.

Kayleen dabbed some powder on my chin and across my cheeks repeatedly. She had offered to do my makeup for the big day the week prior and i agreed. It was one of the many unconscious choices I'd made that week. Kayleen had been working on my face for close to and hour now and i was growing a tad restless.

"Done!", she exclaimed, looking proudly at her work. "You look stunning."

I smiled lightly and swivelled towards the mirror. My every feature was accentuated and highlighted. My dark eyes were sparkling orbs of attention that night, with dark eye shadow sparkling around them. A dark pen lined my lips and a layer of lipgloss added some shine to them. My hair - the one lart of my being i believed could never be seen in positive light - was wrapped in an intricate bun with two strands falling forward just over my eyes. Kayleen really did know her way with makeup.

"Thank you." I gave her a small hug as i left for my closet.

It was a small room with my outfit on a few hangers in the corner, a chair by the dressing table, a mirror with that set and, most importantly, silence. I needed some time to arrange my thoughts.

I grabbed the outfit and made for the small dressing room tucked in a corner of the closet. I pulled on my white dress that fell just above my knees. I made quick work of the harness that came with it and did the same with my pair of black knee-high boots. I looked myself up and down in the mirror. I sure a bloody hell looked the part, but the real question was, could i play the part?

I left the closet to find Han. The whole ordeal took just about half an hour but it was a fruitless effort. He was nowhere to be found. I gave up and i unconsciously took to pacing. My mind reeled and the nerves rose higher and higher each minute. How much longer before they called me onto the stage to embarrass myself. I seized my frantic pacing when i felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned swiftly, mostly as a result of panic. My gaze fell upon Han, smilling wide and proudly at me.

"Hey, you'll blow their knickers off, okay?", he reassured, chuckling some. I allowed a small laugh to leave my lips too. He gave me a hug before handing me a microphone.

"Go show them what you're made off."

His words were followed by those of the presenter telling the crowd my name. A round of cheers, applause and roars following my name.

I took a few deep breaths before i walked foward and towards the stage.

It wasn't what I'd imagined. In my head the whole room would be empty and I'd be in a heap of tears and embarrassment. The reality of it was beyond me. There just about a couple hundred people there cheering for me. They seemed so eagar to hear me perform.

My eyes roamed the crowd until they settled on a figure at the back of the room, nose in a book and head dipped slightly. He looked up  for the shortest time and smiled. Or maybe it was just in my head. However, that was the fuel i needed to start the concert with as much confidence as i could muster.

The feelings i felt during the whole concert were beyond anything i had ever felt in my sixteen years of life. I felt so realand alive that night. Me and the stars seemed to be one, shining beyond the universes control. My voice was like a siren's hypnotizing every person in the room with each word, save for one person -  Storm in the back with a book in his hand. A peculiar choice of entertainment at concert.

By the end of my performance i was spent. All the energy and life i had in me had be taken to the stage and left with my fans. Every moment of the performance was engraved in my heart forver the way i hoped it was for all who had attended.

I felt the staged and collected my things before rushing over to find Storm. The crowd had lessened and it was way easierto navigate through the room. I found him sat on a stool, his nose still stuck in a book.

"Odd choice of entertainment for a concert.", i voiced my thoughts nodding towards his book.

"I like to read with the company of music." Was his response. He's eyes didn't leave the book. "Wonderful performance you put up, Cinderella. Was that the reason you showed up to the library in the middle of the night to sulk?"

His eyes finally left the black and white pages of the book to trap mine. It irked me how he read me the way he read that book.

"Maybe.", i responded lowly. "Look, i came here to return your coat."

"Funny you remembered to return my coat and left yours in the library. Bit odd the way the mind works, isn't it?", he flashed his beautiful smile and outstretched his hand.

I returned the gesture and shook his hand. It was soft and cold, probably from not wearing gloves in the unforgiving December weather.

Storm chuckled. I looked at him confusion painted all over my features. "The coat, Cinderella.", he clarified. I pulled the coat out of my bag and hid my hot face in the process, mortification traveling through my veins.

"Meet me at library tomorrow night, same time we met last time.", he hopped off the stool. "I'll be off now."

He left me standing there in a swirl of emotions i couldn't even describe. Emotions that i seemed to like.


I love to write their intractions. They just make me smile. Tan finally had her live concert debut. 😭am i the only one who's crazy proud of her for that.

Random question: What do you guys think of Storm?


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