chapter 11

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Storm's POV

"You can't possibly think that can last.", Anna said, judgement her poster expression.

I groaned in frustration. "You know what, nevermind."

"Don't be like that Storm. You know what i mean. It's only for the best."

"Oh, and you know what's best for me all of a sudden? You seem to be forgetting what you did a few weeks ago.", I snapped. That rampage clearly touched a tender spot. She gave up then and got back to shoveling spoons of her pudding.

"This tastes like arse.", she said halfway  through, tossing the spoon on the table. I chuckled then and so did she. She was the closest thing i had to Sienna and sometimes it felt a touch too real. It felt like she was right there laughing next to her best friend.

"Look, we can meet up for lunch after school, the guys aren't invited and you can explain your instgram girl frenzy and maybe i could give you some tips."

I scoffed then. "You? Give me tips? You must have hit your head or something, lass.", i rolled my eyes. "I've got mad game."

"And mad game is taking her to a Japanese restaurant in the middle of the night?", she raised a red brow. "That sounds more sociopathic than it does romantic. Poor girl must have thought you wanted to murder her."

"Oh piss off. She was flattered. She wouldn't have come if she feared I'd off her.", i defended.

"Really, now?"

The bell for class rang just then. We split ways and I went to my next class. It was the usual nonsense, Biology and the lot. Stuff i only did because it was expected of me. The school wizz was Sienna and since she was gone i had to at least try to do her role justice.

I sat in the front of the room in the middle row. A few people trickled in and sat their posh arses on the equally posh chairs. The perks of private school, perks i never really could enjoy.

The teacher walked in, a chubby old man with a beard, that probably had rats living in it, and round glasses on the bridge of his nose. He tossed his bag along with a text book on the table.

"Good day, young people.", he began. He got a few low groans for a response. "I'd like to do something a bit less bland today. Each of you will be put into groups of three and each group will be given a hamster to take care of, observing it's health and eating habits. You're to bring me a written report of all your observations by the end of the week."

I didn't do much interacting save for Anna and that was only circumstantial. I found myself in a group with two girls: Martina Smith and Yasmin Abkur.

The two girls were polar opposites. Martina was more pronounced and extremely controlling. She came with small almost flat pink lips that spoke nothing but nonsense. Her hair, a chestnut brown that made her blue eyes stand out, was pulled into a ponytail with two strands hanging over her eyes. She wore the brightest colours, some i couldn't even identify.

Yasmin was the north pole to her south. She wore less eye catching colours. She was neautral and often hidden behind her hijab. She didn't speak much unless it was absolutely necessary and that wasn't often seeing as Martina had quite literally given herself the reigns on the project. Not that i was complaining. I didn't want any responsibility and it seemed Martina wanted just about all of it.

My saving grace, the bell, rang and i took that as my my cue to leave the room. I dashed from the room towards my locker. I dodged students escaping their own hellish classes and just about five meters from my locker i felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned to be met by bright blue eyes. "Storm.", she began a touch out of breath. "We should meet up and work out a few things about the project."

"Sure?", it was more of a question than a statement. She smiled her thin lips a straight red line.

Then she cleared her throat. "But i don't think Yasmin should come. We'll be okay alone, right?" I didn't respond.

"My house, Friday.", she said turning on her heel and off towards her next class.

My last two classes consisted of me thinking up ways to boycot her little invitation. There was no way in bloody hell i was submitting myself on a silver plater to Martina. Not in a million years.

I made nice on my promise to meet Anna, left school and headed straight to the fast food restaurant she had picked, specifically because 'she loved how everyone there minded their own business'.

I pushed the door open and entered the warm restaurant. It wasn't too loud but there was chatter in just about every corner. The people seemed to fit Anna's description. Not a single one of them looked my way when i entered.

I found Anna sat at a table by the window. She was on her phone, probably searching for universities to apply to. Despite the heavy pockets of every parent that enrolled their children at Birchwood College, we still had to get into university fair and swear. There was no dodging that one.

I plopped into the seat infront of her. She smiled and stuffed her phone into her pocket looking up at me. "Took you long enough." She began.

"Well, i can't exactly take the bus. So, of course it took a bit of extra time to get here."

She dampened at that. I went in real quick to thaw the frozen atmosphere. "Have you ordered?", i questioned, hoping my change of topic would be successful.

She beamed then. "As a matter of fact i did. Ordered your favourite."

I raised a dark brow. "I've never eaten here, what on bloody Earth are you on about."

"Just watch, Stormie."

A server came then with a tray full off food and placed all of it on Anna's side of the table, the placed a mug of warm water infront of me.

I couldn't stop the smile from crawling onto my face. "You do pay attention.", i put in, taking a sip of the water then sputtering most of it out. Probably should have waited for it to cool. Anna laughed behind her burger.


Chapter 11. I hope this chapter gives you more of an in on Storm's life and relationship with Anna.

Random question: what's your biggest ambition.


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