chapter 15

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Life stopped for noone. School didn't halt in the slightest, no. It was more of an obligation to me but i liked to believe i wasn't the only one who felt that way.

I droned past a group of boys and slipped into the toilet. I didn't need to take a piss, i just needed to collect myself before i faced the absolute horror that was my physics exam. I washed my hands and patted down my hair, making my ponytail slicker. The strands I'd left out framed my face in swirls of blue. I pulled out a tube of lipgloss and slathered some on my lips.

A breath and then a sigh, looking at my reflection in the mirror before i took my leave and went into the sea of personalities-- though most were fake -- i called school. I pulled my bag securely over my shoulder and made a beeline for room 12. That line was cut shortly by an excited looking Kayleen.

"You will never believe what just happened!", she exclaimed beaming.

I didn't ask but she took the liberty to continue. "Jayden and Amiri had a fight. Jayden is pretty banged up, might have lost a tooth. Well deserved because the prick stared it. It was so stupid because they were fighting about...."

I tuned her out and focused on the path ahead. I had nothing against her, today just wasn't the day, i felt doomed to fail the test and feeling doomed never really worked well. It mixed in my stomach with the anxiety that had settled there and before i knew it i had my buttered toast and grapes flying out of my mouth and onto the floor. I dashed back to the bathroom and Kayleen followed, I thought she'd leave but she held my hair back as i let the rest of my breakfast waste into the toilet.

That helped a whole lot because when i did sit for the test, i felt more alert, or maybe that was just the hunger but i went through each and every question with focus and a bit less nervousness. I finished just as the bell rang.

Without any classes in the next period i used the time to finish up on a song i had been working on. That's when i got the text.

Would you be willing to do away with school for a day, i know a great spot we can go.

Who was i to deny Storm? I packed up my bag, not a thought in my head and left for his location. I had suggested we take a taxi to this 'spot' of his but he was very reluctant.

"A taxi would just ruin the experience.", he bargained. "Plus it's not too far."

We ended up walking to the cliff. Just a few kilometers away from the centre of London. I tossed my bag on the ground and followed Storm to the edge.

"What do you think, Cinderella?", he enquired.

I looked around. The cliff overlooked town. It was an unmatched view. Despite my dislike for town the view made things look a touch less terrible. I looked around a few seconds longer then added, "It's brilliant. Never thought London would be this beautiful."

He just smiled and nodded. We stood there for a while, just admiring the view and taking in the beauty of it all. He broke the silence that had settled between us. "She showed me this place."

My gaze moved to him and he continued. "Sienna, she took me here after our first day of high-school. Told me she found the place in one of her night walks. She took such good care of me, you know and my useless arse couldn't do the same for her."

I just watched, unsure of what to do. I never knew the right way to react in such situations. I'd find myself stuck to the ground and unable to move most times. On the few occasions I'd managed to do something it'd be a small gesture like a rub on the back, a hug or a slight pat. Before i could decide on my move in that instance he spoke again, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You remind me so much of her."

I froze then. I definitely did not know what to do. His gaze shifted and landed on me. I opened my mouth to speak and closed it again out of words. Then his hand made its way onto mine and our fingers intwined for a while.

He broke the turgid atmosphere with a small smile and a few words. "The view down here is amazing but i know a better one.", he chuckled. "Race me to the top?"

He dashed as soon as he let the last words slip and i followed suit. "Not fair. You had head start!"

He laughed a hearty laugh just then and yelled back. "Oh, relax, Cinderella. All is fair in running up hills."

I scoffed and exhaled heavily. "That's not even how the saying goes.", i muttered under my breath.

"Heard that!", Storm exclaimed from the top.

How he got up there so fast was beyond me but i only stuck my tongue out at him only to receive a victorious grin from him. He walked over to the edge and helped me up.

"You're a lot of things Cinderella but fast is definitely not one of them. Remind me never to race you again.", he smiled. "You're quite the lousy opponent."

"You cheated, is all. Otherwise, I'd be the one helping you up.", i countered.

"Now, don't be a sore loser, love. It's okay to accept defeat. I for one find it admirable." The sarcasm was heavy and we laughed it off. It was easy, as always to be completely happy with Storm.

It was a feeling i really wanted to last. I looked up at him staring nostalgically at the view and bumped his shoulder playfully. His eyes made their way to mine and his nostalgia was switched for a bright smile. The eye contact was radiant. My heart sped up, such a petty reaction to such a small gesture.

"Could you... maybe escorted me to a picnic this weekend?", he gazed at me hopefully now. "It's one of my mum's things and i really cannot survive upto five hours with her and her nosy friends."

I grabbed his hand and smiled. "Say no more. Just text me the details."


This is where i plan for things to start moving the desired direction which means the next chapter is part if act 3😭. This is a crazy achievement really. Never thought i get this far into it.

My updates have been quite slow lately because of school and they may become even slower because I'm working on a draft for a new book. So please bear with me.

Proud of my babies for surviving this long in my head.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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