chapter 13

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It was nice, for lack of better wording. It was peaceful. It was comfortable. It was easy. That's how each and every moment with Storm felt. There's was no effort needed and no filters. He was kind and polite and I was happier and free in his presence. It is unfortunate that we had to head back to the party.

The walk back was silent but comfortable. The mosquitoes flew past us singing their merry tunes and the wind rustled bushes flanking the pathway. The whole set up was peace in actuality. we took the small flight of stairs up onto to the veranda of the house. I wiped my slightly muddied shoes on an expensive looking mat. I cannot begin to describe the pain I felt as the mud dirtied the mat.

The party was as lively as we'd left it. Sophisticated music rung about, and drunk adults lied excessively to each other in their dazed state. The chatter was ever loud with laughter here and there. The whole setup was jolly. The birthday girl had wondered into the hallways to entertain her guests. Storm went to get us both some drinks whilst I left for the restroom to freshen up my makeup. The bathrooms were just as grand as the rest of the house. I found it difficult to believe that Storm actually lived there. I made for the mirrors and began working on my face. I applied a new layer of powder. I had worked on myself for about five minutes when the toilet stall opened. 

The lady with the pretty necklace walked out. She placed her purse by the sink and washed her hands. Just as she was about to leave, she stopped midway and turned back to me. She analyzed me for a few seconds before speaking. "You're beautiful.", she began. "And I haven't seen him this happy in too long."

Her face broke into a light smile. "Please don't disappoint him." she left at those words, and I stayed to contemplate. It was obvious she was talking about Storm but the whole encounter had questions pilling up in my head. I left the restroom. I was clear I had been away for too long. I found Storm sat alone at a table watching the masses dance and talk. He seemed distant, lost in a section of his mind that seemed to pull at him whenever it was offered the opportunity. I grabbed my dress for better mobility and made a beeline for the beautiful boy.  

He looked up upon my arrival and smiled light. I smiled back despite the heavy feeling in my stomach telling me something was off. He passed me a glass of juice and sipped at his. "I wasn't sure what you like so I just got you my personal favourite.", he tried his best to beam but I never missed the strain in his attempt. I sipped the drink first. I nodded slowly trying to decipher the flavour and then swallowed the cool liquid. "What do you think?", he asked his eyes now slightly twinkling with curiosity. Inquisitive he was, I remember.  

"Watermelon, more on the water side though, with a tangy pinch, maybe some lemon zest and a bit of the pulpy bits from plums?", I raised an eyebrow, seeking confirmation. He beamed completely then, his smile melted my insides and let the molten pieces of my heart drip into my stomach. He was gold, and I can guarantee that somewhere deep inside me he always will be. He nodded his head. Dark hair flayed from here to there until finally it settled just in his eyes, covering slightly my view of the enchanting irises of chestnut. "It's one of my very own recipes."

I did as my body and heart willed me and reached for a strand of his hair, pushing it out of his face. He didn't move. I continued my sweet assault, my fingers then grazing his cheek for a slight second but even that fraction of time had me heating up. Storm, only after a few seconds of recovery, moved. I wasn't in control, looking back. His eyes were and they seemed to make me do the maddest of things. I blame them for the events that followed. My eyes raked across his face, into his eyes then fell to Storm's pink lips. They called to me, but I managed restraint. I settled for words rather than actions and said, "If only the world could be as beautiful as your eyes."

I reckon that was his breaking point because at my words he rose abruptly and left the room completely. I stayed, of course, wondering what on bloody earth I had done wrong. I waited for close to an hour until I finally concluded that I had scared him away. I had to make good on my commitment to my mother, so I left my station at the table and went to side of the room where the mini orchestra was situated. I discussed my song with them and soon enough we had worked out a system. the chords began slow and soft, long and melodic, and then I sang the first few words, and it all went for melancholic to a faster paced but emotion churning number. I sang the way I felt. the crowd halted their small group conversations and focused solely on me. I fed on the attention, reveling in every single bit of the spotlight I absorbed in that instance.

That's when I spotted him. Right by the door, arms crossed over his chest and a wide smile across his lips. He mouthed the words. "Utterly beautiful." That was the end of me.


Here it is!

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