Chapter 12

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Alex spent her next morning with Ric, letting him know what happened whilst she was away and helping him with the research he had collected from Duke. Alex was officially the resident werewolf expert, which was pretty much expected when you are one. She helped him pack it away as they were heading to the Salvatore house to help Damon with some mission of his.

Alex found this ironic. She came to Mystic Falls with Ric to help him kill the man and now they were heading to his house to help him with a werewolf issue, Ric wouldn't admit it but he is becoming closer and closer to being his best friend.

"Ric! Alex!" Damon exclaims, looking at the two as they entered his house. Alaric ignores him as he sees Jeremy.

"What are you doing here?" Alaric asks, not liking the young boy being involved in what was happening.

"Helping Damon. I'm the one who found out about the moonstone." Jeremy reveals as Ric looks at Damon who shrugs, so he turns his attention back to Jeremy.

"Does Elena know youre here?" Alaric wonders.

"Not exactly." Jeremy vaguely responds and Alex lets out a chuckle.

"What you got?" Damon wonders, looking from Jeremy to Alaric as he digs through the boxes.

"This is Isobels research from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me." Alaric says as Damon starts pulling out different files.

"Mmm, Vanessa. The hottie." Damons says, picking up a book which Alaric snatches off him.

"Vanessa, yes. Now do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?" Alaric asks as Alex is completely confused by what she has missed.

"Sin and the moon. Blah, blah, blah." Damon begins to say and Alex freezes, looking at the two in shock as she knows what they are going on about, she also knows what has to happen with this curse for it to be broken. "Red, what do you know?" Damon notices, of course he did. She unfreezes and begins explaining what she has read in Deucalions book.

"It was a curse put on the Vampires and the werewolves. It made vampires burn in the sun and werewolves turn on a full moon. Obviously, except from us cause of the loopholes. One of the many things that don't make sense with this curse. To break it, there needs to be a ritual. A werewolf, a vampire and the doppelganger need to die and a witch needs to remove the curse from something called a moonstone." Alex explains, looking at the group whose eyes widen at the new information. "Obviously Elena is a doppelganger. And if Katherine is wanting to break the curse, theres a reason she turned Caroline and has Mason arrive back to town."

"If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book, we're idiots. And so are you for believing it." Damon scoffs, looking to Alex who simply rolls her eyes. "Who has the stone now?"

"Tyler." Jeremy answers.

"Can you get it?" Damon wonders.

"Yes." Jeremy nods.

"See, now your life has purpose." Damon says with a simple smile.

"So you do believe it?" Alex asks, wondering why he would go to this much hassle if he thought it wasn't true.

"It talks about it in the same book that says a werewolf bite kills a vampire. Ignoring it would make me an even bigger idiot." Damon says, looking directly to Alex when he mentions the next part and she frowns at the implication. She quickly pulls out her phone and brings up Deucalion's contact, knowing if anyone would know the answer it would be him. "Who are you texting?"

"A friend who knows a lot more than all of us combined." Alex reveals, placing her phone back in her pocket as they prepare to head off to the Lockwood mansion.

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