Chapter Seven

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"You okay?" Josh asked me while we all waited for our taxis to arrive, clearly meaning about the comments her recent post got. Mm Yeah was all she said, not really wanting to go into too much detail. Yeh of course it upset her, these are her friends and some people truly believe otherwise?

"Seriously, ignore them" Simon said, jumping in the conversation and quick to try reassure his friend. "Rude ass people with no lives, ignore it" he added with a smile, it wasn't snarky, he was trying to reassure her, just like Josh.

"Some fans can be really toxic, gotta learn to zone them out" Ethan said, clearly over hearing and offering his piece to the conversation. As sweet as all they were, it still stung a little, the comments. Words hurt more than some may realise and it makes her feel like a wimp. She turns and sees Harry, who offered her a kind and reassuring smile. He didn't need to say anything, everyone already saying what needed to be heard, he was just letting her know that all is good with a smile. It was nice.

They all get the taxi down to Imi's home which was about a 25 minute drive. Imi was in a mini van type of taxi with Harry, Tobi, Ethan, Freezy and Callux and each one of them had amazed faces as they they drove along, in complete awe of their surroundings. Their faces only got better when they saw the house and the beach and the perfect blue water. Wow - Holy shit - incredible and many other words and phrases Imi heard, but can't remember as all the boys stepped up and properly looked at the place they were going to be staying at for the next two to three weeks.

She unlocked the doors and the first room you walk into was a decent sized dining room with a back door straight onto the decking. To the left was an arch way that led to the kitchen and living room and to the right was a door leading down a corridor with the many bedrooms. She showed them around a bit and then took them through the open living room and kitchen to a door on the other side, it led to more decking and a little outhouse laundry room and if you looked to your right from this door, down the decking was the outhouse lounge room Imi mentioned. On the other side of the house by all the bedrooms, an indoor bathroom and one outhouse bathroom was by the bedrooms. It wasn't huge, but to Imi it was home.

"Mate this place is sick. You grew up here?" Ethan asked as they all stood on the decking over the sea, the crystal blue water right below them. Imi nodded with a proud smile. She has and always will be proud of her home and family- which is why she made sure to say this to the boys and make sure they understand to respect the house. They all completely understood and were very kind about it, just being thankful that she even allowed them into the place, let alone stay there for a couple weeks.

"Beautiful home" Tobi said as he sat on the sofa in the living room, taking the surroundings in. The only thing Imi redecorated was a couple bedrooms, nothing else, so the way the house looks is because of her mum and grandparents and their parents, it held a lot of personality. Imi gave Tobi a small nod and a thanks.

"Now- bedrooms!" She said with excitement as she clasped her hands together. Obviously the boys had already seen them and the only one that was really different was hers, which obviously she's getting. The bedrooms were all small, only just big enough to fit either a double bed or two singles, along with a wardrobe and bedside tables. There was beautiful art and nice rugs in every room, shelves of greenery and windows with gorgeous views in every room, so it didn't matter what you picked, your all getting the same. Unless you pick the short straw and have to sleep in the living room or on an air mattress.

The boys got excited and they had all previously agreed on the plane that out of the three rooms that have double beds - excluding Imis - the couples get those ones, picking who get what room amongst themselves. Josh and Freya get one, Simon and Talia get another and Vikk and his girlfriend, Ellie get the other. Meaning JJ, Harry, Freezy, Lux, Ethan and Tobi all have to decide who gets the two rooms with the two singles, who gets the pullout in the outhouse lounge and who suffers the air mattress.

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