Chapter Ten

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I include a few bits of French in this so I put the translations at the end :)
Word count: 4,300

It's been about two months since the whole incident and Imi and the sidemen got back to the UK. It's the end of august and already everyone's planning to go Tahiti again early next year or something because of how much fun everyone had and how they all loved it. Imi and Harry plan to go down again in September and have it be just them. No ones forgotten about what happened with Imi, it being mentioned in videos here and there.

The sidemen recently did a mukbang video and the incident on the holiday with all the toxic fans had been the topic of the conversation.

"I personally fucking loved that holiday lads, we really needed it and the fact is it wouldn't of happened without her, so like- what's the word" Ethan said fast and enthusiastically.

"Were grateful to her" Simon interjected, helping with the word as he felt the same.

"-were grateful, yeah!"

"She's so nice as well, like people kind of assume the worst and I can't help but feel really bad" Vikk added, being a friend to the girl and genuinely liking her.

"Me too mate, like that day on Twitter" Ethan added, he views her as a good friend, they all do, and that day really wasn't good- for anyone.

"When her comments were limited?" JJ asked, careful not to say who did it, just that they were limited.

"Oh no, that was fucking awful" Tobi added, being there with her when it first went down, how fast it all spiralled out of control.

"I remember seeing it and being so angry" Harry said truthfully, missing out the part on how he acted upon said anger.

"They brought your ex into it for zero reason as well" Simon said, not meaning anything rude, just that people don't even know about Imi and Harry and still felt the need to bring the ex into it for fuck all - along with the boys knowing what went down with that ex to some extent; Harry had said things here and there. They also knew they were dating up to a more recent point than what Harry told public, even when she announced her partner and pregnancy a couple weeks after the private breakup.

"Nah there's some fans who are ridiculous and feel like they're allowed to say whatever they want" Josh said, "Freya was going off on one at me, ranting for ages how she wished she could do more" he added, remembering that afternoon when Freya was baking nice it-bits to try cheer Imi up.

"You know Billie Eilish did a post about it?" Simon said and the boys instantly looked at him shocked.

"Shit yeah they're friends aren't they?" JJ asked, forgetting his friend is besties with one of the most famous singers today.

"I always forget that" Ethan added, taking a bite out of the sandwich in his hand.

"Yeah people were asking Billie about the drama and she did this post or whatever on tiktok saying like people need to grow the fuck and keep their noses out of other peoples lives or something" Simon said as he pulled out his phone, trying to find the video "here it is" he said as he showed the others.

"Shut the fuck up. She's my fucking girl, I love her. Grow the fuck up and keep your fucking noses out of her damn business"

"Bro Ims got people in high places, you know" Tobi laughed after watching the video, they forget how famous their friend is sometimes.

"JJ's jealous" Simon points to him with a laugh that everyone joins in on.

"Nah nah, no she's fucking cool man, good for her for getting to where she is" JJ said seriously and honestly as he took a bite of his food and everyone else just hummed and nodded in agreement.

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