Chapter 10

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Dining With the King

Written by: The Historians of Masa


It is hard to say how much, or how little, of this is truth or myth. But I decided to place this inside my book to give as much information I possibly could to the reader. If he or she decided to join the cause in lifting up arms fighting against evil, then the reader has the knowledge in doing so. I feel it matters little if one reads this as a historical document, or if one reads this as a myth, it gives the reader an idea the type of evil Lillian was.

However, one would refer to the story of Morrighan or the story of how my mother, Isabella, and how my aunt Aslis were murdered by their own hand and see the true evil of Lillian through those chapters, and one would be right, of course. But this chapter, written by the historians of Masa, shows how Lillian gain control of Hades by creating a weapon she had made without the king's knowledge. And through this, she gained control of Hades itself, including the demons and the monsters that dwelled with in. It was not merely Lillian we fought on the battle fields that day, but Hades itself!

And so, here is the history of how Lillian came to be:

The doors to the great dining hall opened with a thunderous groan as the queen and king walked hand in hand and heart to heart or so the king thought. Lillian placed her head upon her husband's shoulder waving her hand at the sight of the grand banquet. "See my King and see what I had prepared for you. Is it to your liking?"

Lillian saw her husband's eyes grow large surveying all that was done for him by his Queen. The King placed his hands on his wife's bare shoulders, then stroked them. Lillian knew the strengths and weaknesses of her husband, the King. One of Hade's weaknesses is that of the flesh and the other is food.

"Indeed, you have pleased me greatly, my Queen. I must confess... I had thought of you poorly my Queen. It has been a while since we talked, kissed, and made love. So, thank you for all that you had done for me.

Lillian playfully pushed her husband aside, nearly brushing her bottom across him. Her hourglass figure swayed side to side like a pendulum to a clock. She gave a flirty smile. "Do not be so dramatic, my love. You are my husband, and I want to put all the ugliness behind us. I believe the Sisters of Fate had brought us here. Let us enjoy this time together, shall we?"

Lillian walked with the King and sat him at the head of the royal table. Then she made her way to the far side of the royal table. The distance between them was great, nearly making the King look small and insignificant. The mere sight of him made her flesh crawl with disgust. Reminding her the day she was taken against her will. With a false smile Lillian hoisted her chalice. "To my King, may you reign forever!" The king hoisted his chalice then drank to the toast that was given to him. Hades smiled and drank while the demonic servants served their king and queen of the damned.

The grand banquet composed of turkey, wild board, mashed potatoes, yams, beef, pies, cakes, baby carrots swimming in cream sauce, corn, breads of all types. The wine flowed like open streams while the servants attended to the moods of their king and queen.

The music of the dead filled the great dining hall with sweet sounds of string instruments doomed to play for all eternity. The Queen arose from her chair, beckoning her husband to join her. It had been centuries since they had danced. The king wiped his mouth and journeyed towards his wife. "Dance with me, my husband. For there is more that has yet to be discovered."

Hades gripped his wife's hourglass figure, pulling her into his body. Lillian felt his excitement between his legs. Seeing lust within his eyes knowing—she has him where she wants him and knows he will do whatever she ask him to do.

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