USJ part 2 and Interrogation

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We return to when All Might arrived and the VK has finished rescuing all the students from the villains.


All Might then engages the Nomu while Tsuyu uses one of her tentacles to pull Aizawa to safety. They then head back to the rest of the classes and they see Kurogiri.

Eijiro: Hey Misty.

Kurogiri turned to the VK and he was surprised.

Kurogiri: The VK?!

Before he could teleport away Eijiro used his staff to prevent him from escaping, and then he hypnotized the villain.

Before he could teleport away Eijiro used his staff to prevent him from escaping, and then he hypnotized the villain

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Eijiro: Just relax, everything will be fine

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Eijiro: Just relax, everything will be fine.

Kurogiri: Everything will be... fine.

Dabi: I'd better do it now while he's entranced.

Izuku: Alright, but be careful it's easy taking a soul, it's much harder returning one.

Dabi put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a blue ember. Everyone present could hear a faint unfamiliar voice, except to Shota.

 Everyone present could hear a faint unfamiliar voice, except to Shota

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???: I'm here Shota, I'm here.

Aizawa: Oboro?!

Dabi then clenched the ember in his hand and pointed it at Kurogiri as a beam of blue light shot out and hit the villain. Dabi was struggling to do what he was doing and once he was finished he collapsed.

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