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10 years have passed since the heroes graduated and now it was time for the next generation to step up.

Ochaco: Eri, hurry up, you'll be late for your first day.

Eri: Coming mom.

Eri runs downstairs and hugs Ochaco.

Eri: I hope my classmates like me.

???: I'm sure they will.

Eri: Dad!

Eri runs into Izuku's arms and hugs him.

Izuku: Hey there sweety.

Eri: I'm so happy you'll be my teacher dad.

Izuku: Me too kiddo, and how is our future bundle of joy doing.

Ochaco: He's doing great honey, the doctor said he'll be arriving in about a few weeks.

Eri: I can't wait to meet my baby brother.

Izuku: Me too sweety, now get in the car so we can get to U.A.

We go to U.A. as the next generation of heroes arrive with their parents. Izuku and Eri climb out of the car and see some familiar faces.

Izuku: Guys!

VK: Izuku!

They all hugged eachother and shared some laughter.

Izuku: I'm so happy to see you all here.

Toya: You too Izuku, and how is little Eri doing.

Eri: I'm great uncle Toya.

Toya: Glad to hear.

Tsuyu: You guys ready for what's going to come.

The kids: Yes.

Denki: Well head on inside and wait for us.

The kids head to class and the VK headed to another location.

We now go to the Auditorium.

Present Mic: Welcome everyone to your first day at U.A., now before we begin with class please welcome Japan's number 1 hero team, The VK.

The curtain rises and music begins to play.

They all cheer and the VK bow.

Izuku: Thank you, and I wish you a great 3 years at U.A.

They leave and head to their classes.

And I'm done, this was an exciting series to write, I hope you all enjoyed watching this and I will see you next time.

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