The Yakuza Raid and a trip to the Underworld

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Izuku, Toya, Denki, Tsuyu, Himiko, and Twice were at a meeting with lots of agencies, including Fat Gum, Erasurehead, Selkie, and Burnin. The meeting went the same as canon and now we go to Izuku as he enters Eri's room.

Izuku: Eri? Are you here?

Eri: Are you here to take me to the bad man?

Izuku: No, I'm here to get you out of here.

Eri: R-really?

Izuku: Yes, just take my hand and stay close.

Eri takes Izuku's hand and Izuku begins to carry her in his arms.

We now go to the fight.

Overhaul: I won't let you have her, Eri is mine.

Izuku: She isn't yours.

Overhaul launches his spikes at Izuku, right before Izuku can get impaled Sir Nighteye pushes him out of the way. Izuku looks up to see Sir Nighteye impaled. Izuku's eyes widened in horror at the sight, he covered Eri's eyes so she didn't have to see what happened, Izuku was overcome with sorrow. But then that sorrow turned into rage as he changed into his dragon form with Eri still on his back.

 But then that sorrow turned into rage as he changed into his dragon form with Eri still on his back

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Izuku flew into the sky and faced Overhaul with malice in his eyes. He charged at Overhaul burning any attack that was thrown at him until he was able to rip the madman out of his monstrous body as it collapsed. Izuku then used his tail to knock Overhaul unconscious and then he turned back into a human.

Izuku calmed down and rushed to Sir Nighteye, but it was too late. Sir Nighteye was already dead.

Izuku: No.

Izuku's eyes were filled with tears as mourned the man who wanted to save Eri.

Toya then approached Izuku and put his hand on his back.

Toya: There is still a way to bring him back.

Izuku looked up to Toya realizing what he meant.

Mirio: What do you mean?

Toya: There is a way to bring him back, but we'd have to go to... the Underworld.

Tsuyu: We'll take Eri and Sir Nighteye's body to the hospital.

Mirio: I'm going with you, he was my mentor.

Bubble Girl: Me too.

Toya: Then stay close.

Toya shot fire at the ground revealing a staircase. The group went down and entered a very creepy area. Mirio and Bubble Girl were overcome with fear at the sounds of moaning.

Izuku: Yeah, I know, I had the same impression the first time I came here. Welcome to the Underworld.

They reached the River Stygian with souls traveling in the river current. They see a boat on the docks with a skeleton on board holding an oar. It was Charon the Ferryman of the Underworld and his boat the Skiff.

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