Death of the heart

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Recap: "By the way little la Muerte." Doflamingo started stopping in his tracks, turning to face Law. "Someone will come by soon to collect you. You got another mission. You better behave this time. Do not add to your punishment. I have not forgotten little la Muerte." Dofamingo faded up the stairs and out the door, long after his footsteps faded, the silence he had left echoed.

"Law? What's the box?"

"It's nothing."

"Please tell me."


Continued: Sabo sighs. "Fine. But because I can't hug you, you have to move closer." Sabo said in a more childish tone, evidently trying to lighten the mood. Law slowly moved back next to Sabo, leaning on him.

"I take it your father doesn't like me... much?" Sabo asked

"He's not my father and I couldn't care less what that pink bird thinks... My dad would of like you. He had the same obnoxious smile."

"Thanks? I think?" Law smiled softly at Sabos confused face, chuckling lightly, law glance up at Sabo.

"Can't say I hate the muzzle. Kind of making me curious. " Law smirked.

"Curious? Curious about what?" Law just smirked in response as he lifted his hand played with the muzzle.

"Whatcha doing there Law?"

"Just...." A small click was heard before a soft thud as the Muzzle hit the stone cold floor.

"Giving you a hand" Law Finished. Law stood up, slowly inching his face closer and closer to Sabos.

"You can't catch on fire now, can you?" Law Teased.

"Nope." Sabo said well popping the 'p'.

"Good. I need a distraction." Law told Sabo as he pressed his lips harshly against against the shackeled blond. Sabo smiled in the kiss pushing back against Law.

"Careful, or I just might bite." Law smirked looking up at the chained blond.

"Try me." Sabo barked back, yet his actions contrasted when he said, gently caressing Laws face with kisses.

"I just realised, I have a couple nicknames for you and you don't even have one for me.." Sabo suddenly said.

"Really? You stop a perfectly good distraction for a nickname."

"Is that all I am to you? A distraction?" Sabo fened offence. Pretending to actually believe law that he was just a distraction.

"Yep. A very loud, very blond, very weird distraction." Law smirked.

"Really. Mr Emo Prince has a funny bone. Thats a surprise." In response to Sabo's mocking comment, Law bite his neck. Not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to leave a mark.

"You wernt kidding." Sabo laughed.

"No. Do you really want another." Law teased sarcastically

"Why not? Just maybe a little lower, and a little harder." Sabo teased.

"Is this a bad time?" A high pitch voice questioned from the shadows of the stair.

Law groan. "Could you not have any worst timing baby 5?"

"It's not my fault you can't score dick and have no rizz."

"Seriously?!" Law yelled.

"I off my game for one week and-"

"It's been A LOT longer than a week." Baby 5 winked at Sabo.

"Anyway, I'm here to get you ready for a mission or do you want 5 minutes? Cause no one want to deal with a dick deprived Law in the morge. The dead guys dick usually gets chopped off. Who knows what Law does with them...Probably puts them in jars and collects them."

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