Coke and Peace

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"Don't worry. J-just get some sleep. It's not safe doing that." The gruff man replied. Law continued on with his plan, creeped past the rest of the Strawhats as the crew members were too engrossed in their own tasks to pay him much mind. Finally making it to the carpark, Law made sure to be quick and quiet on his feet, searching for the car, that the keys matched.


As Sabo waited for Law to return, he noticed Brook keeping an eye on Zoro, who was still perched on the roof. The skeletal musician played calming tunes that resonated through the gas station, creating a peaceful backdrop to the busy activities of the crew. As Sabo saw the rest of the crew return an uneasy feeling washed upon him. Anxiety bubbled in the pits of his stomach as his eyes search the premises.

"Hey, has anyone seen Law?" Sabo asked, anxiously. A chourse of no's and shakes of heads followed Sabo's question.

"Why?" Robin inquisitively asked.

"He needed to go to the bathroom and hasn't returned yet."

"Sounds like he ran off. Best you are the one to go him." Robin's knowing voice did not calm Sabo's nerves.

"Words of advice, given his mental state, I say it's best if you knock him out for the rest of out journey, before he becomes a danger or before Ace and Luffy decide to take things in there own hands." Robin said, sharing a looking with Sabo. Nodding, Sabo set off to find Law. Feeling a sense of responsibility and concern, Sabo decided to go in search of Law. He headed toward the restrooms, glancing around the gas station. The flickering lights and the gloomy clouds above seemed to mirror the turmoil inside him. The restroom doors swung back and forth, revealing no sign of Law. Sabo hesitated for a moment before making his way to the parking lot. The gravel crunched under his boots as he moved cautiously, scanning the area for any trace of the missing crew member. The gravel road crunched beneath his boots, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The crew's chatter and laughter faded into the background as he focused on finding Law. His search led him to the carpark, where a realization struck him – Law was nowhere to be seen. Panic threatened to consume him as he considered the possibilities. 'Did Law decide to truly run away?' 'Was he in danger?' Sabo's instincts kicked in, propelling him further down the gravel road, following the path he believed Law might have taken. The shadows seemed to play tricks on his mind, and the looming clouds intensified the gloom that surrounded him. As he turned a corner, he spotted Law in the distance, his silhouette against the muted light. Sabo quickened his pace, calling out to him.

"Law!" Law turned, a mixture of surprise and defiance in his eyes. The tension between them, unresolved and festering, hung in the air like an electric charge. Sabo approached cautiously, trying to gauge Law's intentions.

"We need to talk," Sabo said, his voice firm but not confrontational. Law's response was cold and distant.

"I have nothing to say to you." The atmosphere between them grew tense, and the air crackled with unspoken words.

"Law." Sabo's voice, pleading to Law.

"Don't make me do this. Please." Sabo's voice remained soft but his eye's shone with determination and authority.

"Don't make you do what?! Kill me! Like those's inoccences you've already killed?!" Law snapped back, angry burning through his vein. Instead this time of Sabo just taking it, he threw it back, slowly walking towards Law.

"Are you so consumed with yourself that you did not see that where no innocent people where around the towers?! Or are you so consumed with hating everything and everyone in this world including yourself that you only see the bad?! Yes I have killed! But not innocent people! I have killed blood crazed individual, corupt political head, mafia leaders, deranged scientist, and people who have hurt my family! But I'm not a stone cold murder!" Sabo took a quick breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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