Broken trust

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"Ye- yeah", Law's voice cracked.

Sabo and Law opened drawers, looked in boxes, chests and looked for hidden compartments. It didn't take long for Sabo to find a necklace hidden in a compartment under the desk. He felt the coolness of metal against his skin. He brings it out and sees the gold firework pendant that Law mentioned.

"I found it!"


Law jumps up and immediately reaches out to take the necklace.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," Law repeated, smiling once he felt the familiar coolness. He tries to put on the necklace but has a bit of difficulty.

"Here let me help you," Sabo offers. Sabo takes the necklace and carefully places it around Law's neck.

"It looks good on you"

"Thank you" Law whispered one final time.

"I think it's about time that my emo prince and I escape the building before my brothers crumble it to the ground"

"I am NOT an emo prince"

"Alright then, my emo king"


"That's debatable" Sabo smirked and stood up straight and began to walk out of the Doffy's room. "Care to lead the way, your majesty?"

"If I'm the king then my first order of business is to send you to the dungeon"

"I'm glad you finally embraced your emo-ness. Also... Kinky"

"Sabo I swear to-"

"Okay okay! You can punish me later, for now let's get out of here"

Amidst the chaos of the collapsing building, Law and Sabo shared a knowing glance. They didn't need to exchange words to understand the gravity of the situation. Each step they took sent tremors through the crumbling structure. Sabo's, driven by a determined resolve, yelled above the noise.

"We have to find a way out, Law!'"

Law, his voice filled with a mix of sarcasm and impatience, responded.

"No shit sherlock! Unless you want to become a pancake!"' They raced through the deteriorating corridors, debris falling around them like confetti at a wild party. Dislodged bricks and splintered beams littered the floor as debris decorated the air around them. Their footsteps echoed through the ruins as silence consumed them. Silence than fell upon them, like a warning from death itslef. Not a sound could be heard besides their ragged breath and their shared pulsating heart rates. Not a single chirping bird, not a single scream of mercy, the air stilled as the debris settled.

"Sabo!" Law's voice boomed down the still almost tranquil corridor, as his pace quickened.

"I know! If Ace or swear to god Luffy is hurt! I'm gonna-"

"SHISHISHISHI" A laughter colder than death echoed down the halls, bouncing off the walls, wilting flowers, and sucking the life out of the air. Sabo and Law slowed to walking as the crumbling hall opened up into a dimly lit courtyard, covered by a thick black veil, not letting any sunlight penetrate through.. Thick, murky shadows stretched across decaying walls, and the feeble light struggled to pierce the shroud of darkness that clung to every corner. Dust motes danced in the faint beams of light, casting eerie, elongated silhouettes that seemed to whisper haunting secrets. The silence was broken only by the occasional creak of timeworn floorboards, as if the very environment itself mourned its forsaken state.

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