Flickering thoughts

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Sabo held Law tightly but not tight enough to cause harm.

He felt the wind run around his body working against him as his flames carried them out of the building full of brokenness and into the sky with dark smoke clouds. Law didn't fight against Sabo since he was stuck in his own head. Memories of the past trapping him in his own mind as he begs to get out.


'Guess I'm kidnapping you again', Sabo thought to himself trying to lighten his inner turmoil. As the flames danced under him Sabo looked around for his brothers. It didn't take long since all he had to do was look for all the commotion and chaos was. *BANG* another building was hit and Sabo watched it fall. He spotted familiar flames and heard an unforgettable laugh. 'Found you'. Sabo moved his arms around to get a better grip of Law before he flew over to greet his chaotic saviours. As Sabo got closer, describing the sense in front of him as chaotic was an understatement. A naked Brook ran around with his sword out swinging it around at anyone daring to come close. His actual steel sword is not his dick... although that is out as well. He sees Robin standing there shaking her head as arms grew out of surfaces breaking bones of soldiers. Franky, thrusting the air as he shoots rockets in random direction, 'at least he's wearing underwear' Sabo thought to himself. That thought didn't last long as once Franky noticed Brooks lack of clothing he decided to join him. Two grown ass men running around a war zone naked. Sabo had never seen Brook put clothes on faster then today however, Sabo assumed that he didn't want his balls crushed by Robin since Franky was the first unlucky soul to experience it. Sabo was still a decent distance away from them yet he could feel the pain manifesting on himself, he had to look down just to remind himself that Robin's arms were not anywhere near him. Nami and Usopp were watching the backs of their fellow friends while making sure they were nowhere near danger. Chopper was eating cotton-candy calmly while sitting on Zoro's shoulders. Sabo had absolutely no idea when they developed this friendly relationship but it was rather cute. Well as cute the little reindeer could be since Chopper's bag was full of bombs and he was throwing it in random directions. He got that from Ussop. It makes sense since Sabo has witnessed Usopp and Chopper working together to make all sorts of bombs in the past.

"HEY SABO!" Luffy yelled, waving his arms around and bouncing around trying to get his brother's attention. Another building collapsed creating a rough wave of dust. A cyclone of wind so strong Sabo staggered back a little. It is a miracle that Luffy's straw-hat stayed on his head. However the sound of the deafening collision woke Law up from his trans and brought him back to the present. He didn't understand what was going on but his first reaction was to throw his arms around wanting to get away from whoever was holding him, and eventually he managed to hit them right in the neck making them drop him. Law immediately regretted it when gravity began to drag him down to meet the earth. Law fell away from the comforting warmth of flames and plummeted down where he could feel the sharp spikes of cold wind push against him. His mind was finding it difficult to figure out what was happening right now and what already happened. He still felt like the 10-year-old boy who watched his parents die, the same kid who watched as his sister slowly died in his arms, the same boy who watched as his adoptive father was killed because of him. Even though his mind was still disorientated he recognized his surroundings and the people down below doing some... questionable things as they fought. He saw how they played around and destroyed things and he couldn't help but be reminded of Doflamingo. He recalled being tied to the chair and the straw-hats not taking things seriously. He recalled their smiles. He recalled their kindness despite their odd situation. How can people look so kind but be so evil? How could he mistake being kidnaped to being saved? How could he let himself even like that beautiful yellow-haired boy that Doffy wanted him to marry? That should have been the first red flag. Doflamingo wanted Law to marry Sabo. He has seen Doffy play the hero before. Waltz in to save some people that are being attacked but in reality he was the one who set up the attack. This is the same thing, the difference is that Doffy has been replaced by Sabo and instead of the random civilians it was Law who was the target. Law looked down and saw that in a few seconds he would join the corpse on the floor. Law closed his eyes, accepting it and even feeling relieved. He was expecting death to be cold but the embrace he felt was warm, welcoming and worried? Law's eyes fluttered open as his eyelashes fought off the dust particles gliding around. Law felt safe, until he looked and found Sabo looking right back at him. A kid was running in their direction holding a straw-hat down on his head.

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