Tense talks

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"Zoro?" Sabo questions. A echoing thud could be heard at the van shook from the force, Sabo quickly grabbing onto Law with his right hand again, to secure him from falling off.

"Zoro! Yohoho! That was quite an entrance." Brook joked.


"Oh, shut it." Zoro groan, rolling onto his stomach, gripping onto the van's roof.

"Zoro, good friend you won't tell Luffy I lost you will you? Yohoho. For some good Sake of course." Brook winked praying that Zoro's love for sake will outweigh his talkative habits with Luffy.

"It better be good fucken Sake." Zoro said, sending a small grin Brooks way. The van swayed violently well turning, causing Sabo's grib to tighten on Law, as Brook and Zoro commenced in idle conversation, sitting up on the roof of the van unbothered by the prospect of falling off. Law suddenly groaned in pain harshly yet quietly. Sabo winced as he heard Law's pained groaned, his focus shifting from the unexpected arrival of Zoro to Law.

"Are you alright?" Sabo asked genuine concern etched on his face. Law grimaced, holding onto the edge of the van with one hand.

"Hand." Law muttered, stifling the noises threatening to escape his throat. Sabo eye's widened understanding dawned on him as released his hand laid on Law's member once again. His palm rubbing directly against Law member, an obvious tent in his pants. Law's body stiff and rigid against Sabo grip, Sabos chest still pressed against Law's back, arm wrapped around Law as he pressed his palm slight harder against Law's straining member.

"H-Hey!" Law said sharply.

"It wasn't a fucken invitation blondie!" Law barked, his voice barley above a whisper, trying hard not to catch the attention of Zoro and Brook. The smile Sabo bore did not reach his eyes.

"How about you tell me why you let Luffy win earlier? Or you could start with why you had that anxiety attack earlier? Or even better what the box is and what mission that made you look like you seen a ghost." Sabo's demand for answers caught Law of guard as he opened his mouth to deny Sabo the satisfaction of an answer with a snarky comment, Sabo once again pressed his palm against the tent hidden in Law's pants. A small moan escaped Law's lips.

"Truthful answers only." Sabo's stern voice, held authority yet a slight softness to the edge, as he carefully let his hand slide up to the zip of Law's pant, gently tapping it.

"Unless you want everyone to hear you." Sabo's threat was purposely placed against Law's dignity and pride, knowing he put Law in a position where he would have to tell him the truth.

"Tch. You want to know why!" Law dryly Laughed

"It's because I was sizing up who I would have to go up against if I ever need to run. And since you're so kind to ask why I was having a 'panic attack' as you call it. It was due to you and Doflamingo being mirror images of each other!" Law spat back, every word laced with venom. Sabo flinched at Law's words, eyes reflecting the hurt and pain it caused him. Letting go of Law's pants gently hugging Law's waist, out of concern for his safety and to comfort him.

"None of us would ever hurt you. I am truly sorry if I ever made you feel that way. I would never hurt you" Sabo gently murmured softly, emphasising the last part.

"Tch. I don't believe in fairytales. Go poison someone else with your lies." Like daggers piercing Sabo heart, those words cut deep. Law's eye's locked forward at the vans head, as Sabo's eye's had tears forming. His body quivering from the weight of those words, shaking harshly from old scars. The van continued its chaotic journey through the winding streets, with Zoro and Brook still perched on the roof, seemingly unfazed by the precarious situation and unaware of Sabo's and Law's conversation.

Long after the danger had faded away and the Van weaved through a labyrinthine of streets and turns far away from the clutches of Dofalmingos men, conversation flickered through the van ranging from bills, to food, and bombs, to songs, a comforting warmth filled the van.

"Oi! Everyone! Where stopping at a gas station up the road! If there are any damages to my van you have to pay 300% interest!" Nami shouted her voice vibrating through the van piercing through the peace and tranquility.

"MEAT!!!" Luffy shouted excitedly, as others groaned and whined about the stop.

"Quit nagging! Take a piss or a shit, other wise don't get out the dam car!" Nami barked her patience thinning by the minute, silence over took the van as no one even dared breathing loudly.

"Nami, sweetie, you need a nap. I'll take over from here." Vivi's soothing voice, along with her intertwining one of her hand's with Nami's was all that was needed to calm her down.

"Sanji, can you take over driving after we refill the tank? Also Ace, you're in charge of getting the fuel, Franky and robin your in charge of food, Usop and Chopper your in charge of resources and equipment. Everyone else get some sleep and go to restrooms, we got a bit of a trip ahead of us still. Oh and Brook keep an eye on Zoro and play some calming tunes please." Vivi's confident yet calm demeanor, calmed the van and restored peace. The gas station finally coming into sight Vivi skilfully guided the van into the station, the tires crunching on the gravel as they came to a stop. The gas station's flickering lights cast an eerie glow as the morning sun rose up overshadowed by gloomy clouds as the rays of sunlight barely illuminated the uneven ground. Sabo gently shook Law awake, as he had fallen asleep on the car roof.

"Hey. We are at a gas station. Do you need to go to the bathroom? Or are you hungry or thirsty?" Sabo asked softly unable to look Law in the eyes. Disorientated, Law grumbled rubbing his face, as his untamed hair clung to his head.

"I'm going to take a shit." Law muttered, sliding off the roof of the van with unsteady legs. The echoes of their earlier conversation lingered in the air, and Sabo couldn't shake off the hurt that Law's harsh words had inflicted. The weight of old scars seemed to intensify as Law walked away, the gas station's flickering lights cast long, distorted shadows on the uneven ground, amplifying the turmoil in his mind. He felt the weight of his own words and the echoes of Sabo's sincerity. The tension between himself and Sabo had been suffocating, and he needed space to clear his thoughts. The restrooms were a welcome refuge, a solitary haven. As he entered, the harsh fluorescent lights seemed to intensify the shadows under his eyes. The memory of Sabo's caring words clashed with Law's ingrained skepticisms. He couldn't shake the belief that kindness was a façade, a setup for eventual betrayal. His hands gripped the sink's edges as he fought against the vulnerability threatening to consume him. Taking a breath Law comprehended this moment, this was his chance, his chance to run, his chance to be free, his chance to escape. From everyone and everything. Exhaling deeply Law created a plan. After tidying himself up, he exited the restroom, Law glanced around the gas station, he saw a man with his key's dangling from his pockets. 'Bumping' into the man an apologising.

"So sorry, just pulled an all-nigter on the road" Law lied. Slipping the other mans keys into his own pocket.

"Do worry. J-just get some sleep. It's not safe doing that." The gruff man replied. Law continued on with his plan, creeped past the rest of the Strawhats as the crew members were too engrossed in their own tasks to pay him much mind. Finally making it to the carpark, Law made sure to be quick and quiet on his feet, searching for the car, that the keys matched.

Author note:

R.) Sorry it was a short chapter if I added the next part it would off gone to 2000 words and we kinda haven't wrote much more :] Yeah life. Forgot I had one of those.  Words 1304 ~ short chapter I know, I'm sorry.

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