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The next morning I woke up by my alarm, I went to change and to take care of Manu, but he wasn't in his crib anymore, in fact not in my room anymore.

"Manu? Baby?", I asked while looking around my room.

Empty. I went to Simone's and she tried to help me find him, than we went to Keisha and Nate's, telling them what happened. I was trying to stay calm, but I couldn't and broke down into tears. The girls come to hug me, while we were still in the common hall.

"Hey, we'll find him, okay?", Simone said.

"Yeah, we can even get dr. Patterson's help, maybe she saw something strange around here.", Keisha added.

"Stop crying baby momma, be strong. For Manu.", Nate added.

"You know you're the best friends I could never replace.", I told them as we hug each other in a big hug.

While we were at that we heard 2 familiar voices behind us.

"What's the occasion fam?", JR asked looking at us 4 being sad.

"Umm...", Simone tried to say, but I told the boys.

"Manu is missing. We've been looking everywhere for the past 2 hours and no one saw him or anything strange last night.", I told them.

"What?!", Damon said, kneeling in front of me, who I was sitting on the couch.

"We'll help, alright?", JR told us.

"We're family and family never abandon each other.", Damon said and I received a message from Spencer.

Spencer James: Pay back is a bitch, huh? Good thing you said goodbye to him.

He attached a photo of him, dead. I started to cry and throw my phone away. Damon immediately come to hug me, pulling me into his chest, while JR picked my phone. He was shocked.

"What?", Nate asked.

"JR! What is it?", Simone asked.

He turned the phone to them. I could feel Damon hugging me tight as Keisha, Nate and Simone started crying as well. JR was struggling to say a thing, but he gave up and I'm thankful for that.

We all went to dr. Patterson, the President of BU and coach Marcus, telling them what happened. As soon as I told dr.Patterson, she started to cry and hugged me. We then went to coach Marcus, just me, JR and Damon and he also was sad and told me to take my time off the team for a while. And we went to Keisha's dad, the President and he told us he was sorry and even said I should take some days off. And that's what I did.

Currently is Monday and I'm sitting on the benches of the field, watching the team's practice. The boys finished soon enough and Damon along with JR comed to me.

"Hey, I thought you were taking some days off. How are you feeling?", Damon said.

"I am and I'm terrible and sad and almost thought what would have happened if I didn't met Spencer James.", I told them.

"Take your time. The team will still be here the next semester.", JR said.

"I will, JR. Thanks, both of you.", I told them.

"What for?", JR asked.

"Being there when I needed my friends the most.", I said.

"That's what family is for.", Damon said while hugging me.

"Okay, let's get her out of here before Laur starts to play some baseball with us.", JR joked.

We left, laughing and talking about different things.

That night, Damon asked me to be his girlfriend, which of course I accepted, and also I restarted with my passion for dance after the family dinner at dr. Patterson's, which is the best thing that ever happened to me since I arrived at Bringston.

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