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In the morning, I was woken up by someone knocking on my door. I got up, opened the door just to see a worried Cam.

"Morning Cam.", I said to him.

"Did you knew?", Cam asked me.

"Knew what?", I asked.

"Johnson.", Cam answered.

I checked the hall of the girls wing.

"I think it's best if we talk inside.", I said, letting him in.

He sat on my bed and I sat next to him.

"You knew?", Cam asked again.

"I found out yesterday. I looked on the internet for him as well. He broke his own and that University's score at strength. I also found an interview with him speaking about me as his "greatest star". He also had a personal message. Cam, he won't only make the team lose. Lando will make me break until I'll need him.", I told Cam.

"No. If that creature approaches you, I'mma beat him up. No questions asked, no thank you's needed.", Cam told me.

"Thanks, but let's hope that we won't lose this game.", I told him.

"Yeah, better get ready. I heard coach Marcus is nervous today.", Cam said almost leaving my room.

"From whom you heard?", I asked.

"Damon and JR.", Cam answered and left.

I changed and did my hair and makeup, then went to the team practice. Coach was nervous and also th team. I mean, they were rivals with Hawkins.

After coach's speech for the team, I went with Damon around the field when we met with Lando.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the pitcher from Bringston himself.", Lando said to Damon.

"So, what man? Are you afraid to play against us?", Damon asked him.

Lando looked at me, then answered Damon.

"Nah, man. You should be the one afraid. Am I right Laur?", Lando said, still looking at me.

"What do you want, Lando?", I asked him.

"You know what he wants Laur, trouble.", Cam said coming to our way.

"Famous Cam. Long time no see, bro.", Lando said.

"I ain't your bro. And better stay away from her, or else.", Cam said to him.

"Are you threatening me, now? Wow, you really went from high to low in just a few. See you around, Laura.", Lando said, leaving us.

I turn to Cam and Damon.

"Thanks Cam.", I told him.

"No thanks, as I mentioned earlier. Just, won this game, Damon. For all of our sakes.", Cam said, leaving us.

Damon and I returned to the benches and I went wish them good luck. As I went in the tribunes, I saw Cam talking with Dr. Patterson, but I went to sit next to Thea, Simone's frenemy from the tennis team.

"Hey Thea.", I said to her.

"Hey.", Thea said.

"Do you mind if I sit here?", I asked her.

"Not at all.", she answered.

I sit down next to her, waiting for the game to start. As we were talking, I recieved a message from Lando. That's weird, but I wanted to know what he wanted now.

Lando: Seems like your boy and your friend there have a sneaky link.

He attached a photo of Damon and Thea, kissing just outside the gym. I couldn't believe it. I got up and went to Lando's team, 5 minutes before the game starts.

I could tell I was mad, but I still managed to get to Lando in time.

"Where did you get this?", I asked him, showing the photo he send me.

"Now you believe me?", Lando asked.

"I asked you something, Orlando.", I told him.

"Your bodyguard, Cam sent me this. Wait, you had no idea?", Lando asked confused.

I looked at him, my face saying all.

"Shit. Look, if any consolation, he didn't deserved you. Alright? Now, go there and be the Laura Miller I know.", he said smiling.

"Thanks Lando.", I told him as I left the game and went to my room.

After the game finished, I presumed, I got a text from Damon and one from Lando.

Damon: Hey, heard that you left. Where are you? Something happened? Babe?

Lando: Hey, just wanted to say that I beat your team and I'm sorry I have to do this to you, but you deserve to know the truth.

Lando attached a video from Hawkins field, Damon training there. So, he really wanted to leave Bringston.

I stayed in my room the rest of the day, never answering to anyone's messages.

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