►| thirteen

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Five skidded back, her boots digging trenches on the silt

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Five skidded back, her boots digging trenches on the silt. She gritted her teeth, pushing back against Electric Blade. Blue sparks scritched against the black edge of her blade when she wedged it forward. He didn't budge, staring her down. A mask covered the lower half of his face, but Five could bet he scowled in effort underneath. She had to at least placate herself about that.

Sixteen burst from the undergrowth, a shriek tearing through the air. She slammed into his back, pushing his weight deeper into Five's dagger. Something cracked. It wasn't the Five's. It seemed Five wasn't the only one pissed at this boy for hurting Ten.

It was a chance. Five angled the blade to press harder into the origin of the cracks. Electric Blade's eyes widened. He lashed out, jabbing an elbow into Sixteen's stomach and swinging a leg towards Five's jaw. Five swung her dagger, leaving a stinging cut on his ankles on her way back. He tucked himself to a roll, bringing his blue blade over his face on his way up.

Five kept her eyes on him. "Get Ten. Get out of here," she told Sixteen whose presence flitted somewhere behind her. "Aim for the fortress. The counter will be over soon."

She didn't check if Sixteen understood because Electric Blade lunged at them again. Another dagger joined her arsenal, crossing her arms over her face like Electric Blade did. They clashed. A shower of sparks and embers littered their feet. She whirled, using every memory her muscles had in dealing with physical barrages like these.

Black and blurred, clanging and recoiling from each other in a letha; dance. She drove a blade farther into his defense just as he sidestepped. A force slammed into her spine, throwing her forward. The boy lowered his leg to await her fall towards his arm. The tip of his electric blade rushed towards her face. She shielded her face with her dagger pointing down. It plunged into the skin.

A howl blared through the clearing. Five twisted away from his space, brandishing her daggers over her nose. Her breaths echoed in her ears.

Electric Blade staggered up, cradling his bleeding arm to his stomach. His jaw clenched, leveling his gaze towards Five, his fists balled. Then, the blue blades retracted to his skin like fish fins. She stepped backward. Another. He didn't follow. If he did, she wouldn't go easy on him. He needed his arms, and Five needed to get her comrades back to the fortress.

She turned and punched through the undergrowth in search of the next clearing. Why in the world did Section X choose to have their base in the middle of nowhere was beyond her. She had to get Fifteen and Four out of there.

Her finger felt the comms on her ear, tapping it once, twice. Come on. Show her an active line. It connected. "Five!" One's voice crackled from the other side. "Where are you? These Section H bugs are everywhere!"

"They're targeting us!" Five screamed back, pulling a dagger and snipping her hair as she ran. "Any word from Thirteen?"

A pause. Then, "No," One answered. Her voice was breathy, as if she was doing a hundred workouts in one session for an hour. "The line is silent on my end too. What's the plan?"

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