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1. When a Starlightlynx becomes the leading elder, his or her name must be changed to Moonsight.

2. Before a trainee can become a Starlight, he/she must swear the oath.

3. Guards are never allowed to ignore any animal that needs protecting (unless it's prey).

4. Hunters cannot eat until everyone else is fed.

5. Lynxes are not allowed to 'just be a Hunter', or, 'just be a guard', they must get good at all skills in order to be strong enough.

6. Lynxes are not allowed to have mates outside the group. If they do, they move down ranks or even get kicked out. Plus, their kits will be Halfees.

7. Halfees are the lowest rank there is. They must do everything they're told, fetch things like herbs and prey for other lynxes, and they get to eat last. They also must sleep separately from other lynxes, clean out other lynx's nests, and clean up messes in dens.

Starlightlynxes: Stars in the Sky #1: TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now