~Chapter 10~

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"I can't fight!" Star hissed. "I didn't do training to fight!"

"Stay behind us." Storm growled. "We can deal with this... I hope."

Starlight whimpered as she counted the wolves.

Nine wolves, three lynxes that can fight, and one useless. Great, I'll be the first to die. Unless...

She turned it over in her mind. Unless... they must've come from camp, and that must be where they brought River and Dawn!

"Storm!" she whispered. "Distract them!"

"Why? Star, I have to stay with Hawk- and Owl." Storm murmured back.

"Please!" Star hissed urgently. "I have an idea on finding River and Dawn."

"O- okay." Storm padded forward, trying not to show any fear at all. "What do you want?"

"Storm!" Hawk meowed. "Get back! You're gonna get us all killed!"

Storm flicked her ears dismissively and stood there. With the wolves' attention on the other lynx, Star looked for a way out. She glanced up and spotted a branch above her. That should work. She jumped silently and hooked her claws into the bark, freezing for a moment, hind legs dangling, before hauling herself up.

She crouched for a moment to catch her breath, but ended up holding it instead.

A small gray wolf was staring straight at her. She flinched, knowing that this wasn't going to end well. Nothing happened.

What? She looked again, and the wolf nodded, acknowledging that he could see her, but didn't do anything. He simply turned back to where his leader was snarling at Storm.

Star sighed in relief and backed towards the trunk of the oak. She spotted another branch- similar in size- and leapt onto it, using all her might to haul herself up soundlessly. She felt bad, leaving Storm, Hawk and Owl to fight alone.

But I can't even fight. She reassured herself. I'd be absolutely useless. She looked back once, just to make sure no one was watching, then, seeing that no one was, she continued through the trees.

. . .

"What do you want?" Storm hissed, not showing fear.

"Storm!" She heard Hawk call. "Get back here!" Storm flicked her ears, indicating that she was fine. She heard the tree branch above her shake slightly. That's a good idea, Star. She thought. But, if you're going to get out of this clearing completely, you're going to need to be a little quieter.

"Listen to your friend." A big black wolf growled. "Or you die."

"Then kill me." Storm shrugged. "It's not going to be my wrath you'll have to face."

The black wolf hesitated, unsure of what she was hinting at.

I got to get their attention more. She noticed that some of them looked absent minded. Owl came to her rescue.

"Oh," She meowed. "You look hesitant. Is that because you know how many of us will tear you apart?"

The black wolf blinked in confusion. "Wha- but there aren't very many of you."

"Oh, but there are." Storm added, knowing what Owl was trying to do. "Too many to count for sure."

"And, if you don't let River and Dawn go, we will tear you apart." Hawk lied. "Limb. By. Limb."

"When was the last time you checked?" Owl asked.

"Uh... not too long ago..." The wolf was getting annoyed.

Starlightlynxes: Stars in the Sky #1: TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now